We’re baaa-aaaaaa-aaaaaack!

Happy happy January! Are you feeling it yet? Are you in? It always takes you (me) a few days to wrap your (my) head around a NEW YEAR. We’ll talk about it more in detail tomorrow, but for today, why don’t we ease in. With this most cheerful mixtape of all mixtapes.
It starts with Nada Surf’s newest song from their newest album and ohhhmyyygah it is everything you (I) need. It’s nostalgic but new. You’ve never heard it, but you’ll feel so incredibly young and free listening to it. I just love when music does that.
Also I’m starving and need to make us all breakfast (when does school start again? again, more on that tomorrow.)
Get into this upbeat mix before I lose it on ya!
I give you, the “Wintery Burr and Flickering Purr” mix. Oh, it’s so good. Going to make your mood today.
More tomorrow!
xx (<–I’ve never done that here. it’s weird. yet is it?)
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