You guys. What have I done.

Also for those who voted for more running content, be careful what you wish for.
A HALF MARATHON. Did I have a moment of temporary insanity? Did my brain short circuit out while I pressed the “register here” button? What in the world? I can’t explain this otherwise.

It’s not that I’m not ready for this. I’m totally ready for this. Rather, I will be ready for this. It’s over 18 weeks away. I have plenty of time to wrap my head around what I have done to my poor self.
Here’s my full admission. I’ve never run longer than six miles. Six point two miles. A ten 10K where I stop. My normal length these days with Mindy is five miles. We meet up at the half-mile point, run four miles together, and then I finish the half mile home. I get that little five mile buzz on my wrist and call it. Feels perfect. Euphoric even.
But 13.1?
Oh m g.

Yes I’m still talking about my watch. Here’s the link. I’m obsessed.
And I find it fun that Garmin is the official sponsor of the race I’m running! It used to be sponsored by Waddell and Reed, but that ended in 2017. Little nerdness for ya.
I’ve run a good handful of races over the last 15 years. (Kansas City has the best races.) A slew of 5ks, the Trolley Rail race (which is right at 4 miles) three times, and unofficial 10ks created with friends just for hell of it.
But here’s where I need help.

The prep.
Okay, I printed a 14-week training schedule that will officially start on July 17th. I’m already way ahead in the miles though, so I think what I’ll do is just keep at my regular rhythm until the miles start getting longer. Does that sound good, you professional runners? Follow the schedule, but start adding miles when I need to. Not go way back down to the base. Right?

Another thing: cross training. What exactly does that mean? In the non-running days it suggests I cross train. Does that mean weights or lunges or squats? Ugh. Maybe forget I asked that part.

Okay, I’m due for a new pair of running shoes this August. So the research begins now. I know Hokas are the ISH these days. Do I dare even try on a pair? Or stick to my trusty Brooks brand? Runners, what are you obsessing over these days? Even Skimm tried to sell me on Hokas last month! What is happening.
(look at young me up there back in 2009! This was the Waddell And Reed race. I ran the 5K and everyone else ran the bagillion mile. Show offs.)

This is what it looks like when you run a race in October. It’ll be dark and chilly again by then! I can’t think about it.
For now, shoes.

And the goo packs! Mindy carries the little goo thingies with her when we run longer distances. I tried one last weekend. Got it down. I think I like it? Tell me what you suck down when you run.
Marathon runners, give me all your tips.
When Mindy said to me last weekend, “You should totally run the half this fall” at first I was like, “Yeah RIGHT, insane girl.”
Then as I kept running I thought, “Wait. Why not? I’ll be 47. This is definitely one of those life bucket list things that I should mark off before I’m 50. I can do this. I should do this. I need to do this!”
So I’m doing it.
Help me.

Also, I dare you to get into this with me. Sign up for something. Try it out! A 5K. A 10k. The half! Let’s totally do this!
I’m scared.
23 Responses to I Signed Up To Run A Half Marathon. Am I a Complete Idiot?