(Honestly, you had to see that coming.)
Check it out, I finally got around to getting this together for you! I know it’s too late to be considered “gift guide-y”, but I’ll link out what I can, and if you’re so inspired, you can take this into 2021 as kitchen style/vibe/steez/lewks/vibez inspo. Not even sorry about the way I said that just now.
So okay, (<–name that movie) one of the most-asked questions I’ve gotten over the past decade (DECADE) of food blogging is, what kind of pots and pans do you use? And let me just say, I’ve never owned one of those ginorm sets of pots and pan. You know how brands will put out those 154-piece sets with all the things? I’ve never had one.
Because my motto is: hodge podge it, bruh! Little of this, little of that. Find your style and build on that. Mix and match, just like that.
Let’s start with copper.

I love vintage copper. The thing is though, you have to find copper that’s been treated. I don’t think that’s the right word, but if you find a good looking piece of copper, but it’s tarnished in places, there’s a technique to getting it back to being safe to use. Mauviel is a fantastic brand (I got that little pot in THEE Julia Child kitchen store in Paris a few years back. It was an actual living dream.)
The rest of that copper I found at our neighborhood French Market (where I spent 96% of my time pre-Covid and I ache to get back and linger for hours) a few years back as well, and it was already in such good shape I cried 13 rivers. Head out to antique stores and look for French copper that’s in fabulous shape. When you find a good piece, it will add so much warmth to your kitchen, you’ll cry 27 rivers yourself. Probably.

Cast iron!
I’m a firm believer in cast iron. I love its classic, rustic style, but also it cooks so dang nicely. Some of these are Food Network, some are Lodge, some are thrifted, and one is my late Memaw’s. Just collect a bunch of shapes and sizes and make sure they get nice and dusty. Just kidding.
But you do need to season them! I know that’s what keeps people from fully diving face-first into cast iron, but honestly just make sure you swirl some oil in it once you’ve washed and wiped it dry. Here’s a better method.
Get you some cast iron, girl!

This is what I get asked out theeee most. For my non-stick I use Greenpan! I actually partnered with them a couple times this year with discounts, so I hope you were able to take advantage of those. Actually, they always have discounts going on, so pop over and I’m sure you’ll find something ya dig.
Also, I’ll admit – I destroy my pans. I tend to buy a few each year at TJMaxx or Home Goods, and just completely obliterate them within months. I’m not sorry about it, but it happens. They do have good pans, but not built to last more than six months. But I like the hunt of a cute pan, what can I say?
Trick is, ya just gotta add enough AWL’r BUTTAH to the pan to actually keep it non-stick. That’s my tip.

Oooooo this is a fun one. And ignore how dirty that back dutch oven is. I should spend some time with it over the holidays and scour out the sad.
We’re starting a band called Scour Out the Sad. Obviously emo.
Cast iron enameled skillets and dutch ovens. A MUST.
Did you hear that? A MEEEEEEEEERST.
You can go fancy with some Le Creuset of course (I have a medium cream pot that I should have included in this photo but forgot), but ya know what? Amazon has some good ones, too. Please don’t come @ me for Besos having enough money. I know and completely agree. I’m showing small biz lurve, too. I’m just here to link out, man.
The first little pan is this one. And it’s unavailable, of course. The middle braising pan is what I use THE MOST. You’ve seen it in my posts 284752345 times. It’s big, easy to clean, looks great, super sturdy and I love it. Of course the exact one I have is no longer available, OF COURSE, but here’s one similar. This is super close, too.
And the back dutch oven is Lodge. I’ve had this one for yeaaaars. I bake bread in it, make soups in it, it’s my soul. And yes, you need a dutch oven. Everyone needs an enameled dutch oven. It just amps up the experience, I tell ya.

You know I dig earthy slurpware like this. These are Convivial, which is a local handmade ceramic shop, and I just cannot stop with them. Everything they create is creamy minimal magic.
I also have these, and want these at some point. Obviously. They’re out of a LOT right now, but give them a peep.
And of course I have a ton from Golden and Pine, my neighborhood favorite. (Oh, my holiday collection if you’ve not seen! Use BEVCOOKS for free shipping.) I have some plates from G&P but they must be discontinued, but look through this whole collection. Such freakin’ beauty. I can’t. Yet I will.

Okay, let’s talk casserole dishes.
Again, I’m all about the hodge podge when it comes to ovenware. I have some old school glass pyrex, a chunky old thing from World Market circa 2010, some sleeker oval dishes from Ikea, a rustic ridged thrifted cutie, and some second-hand campy Falcon enamelware.
And all those coffee mugs? Girl I’ve got you covered.

Another small business gush sesh: these little anything bowls are from Simple Wares. Remember when they CREATED a salt cellar for me back in the late summer? Ugh, yeah. UB-SAYUSED.
Totally makes me want to create my own line of something. Bowls, plates, all the things. 2021?

Flatware! I get asked about these babes more than anything else ever in the history of ever. Besides my coral lipstick.
And you’ll hate me – they’re vintage. My m-i-l gifted them to me about 16 years ago. Ugh, I’m sorry! I bet you could find similar on Etsy though.

And lastly, a few pretty odds and gorgeous ends for your salivating heads. (I know how you people are.)
The creamy marble mortar and pestle.
The French bistro butter dish!
My earthy oil dispenser. (at least similar)
And the Elin Hilderbrand-inspired brass pepper grinder!
Ya know, it’s just those little things that go a long way for the soul. And If I’ve left anything out that you’ve been curious about, please ask! I hope this is somewhat helpful.
To end, I want YOU to show me what you’re kitchen obsessed with. Creamy dishes? A fun thrifted brass grater of some sort? A Frenchy spoon rest? SHOW MEH.
6 Responses to Pots and Pans and Plates, Oh My!