Remember “To be Continued…” back in ’80s and ’90s sitcoms?
Weren’t those the absolute worst things to ever happen in your life?
And they happened at the most crucial times! Which, I know, is the point. They weren’t often, but when they were, you were a jumbled mix of shocked, devastated, floored, unhinged, empty, how-can-I-even-go-on-right-now?
I had completely forgotten what that felt like until last night when we were watching the last two episodes of Season 2 of Cheers. (yes we’re still only that far in, stop laughing) Diane leaves the bar with that hippie Doc painter man “against” Sam’s wishes, and after she’s gone he walks out of his office, makes an “I’m-okay-everyone” announcement to the crowd, looks around, leans forward to a customer and asks, “Where’s Diane?”
OMG so dramatic, I know.
And the screen freezes. And the music takes a somber downturn. And the yellow letters pop up on the screen, “To Be Continued….”
NOOOOOOOO! HOW CAN THEY DO THIS TO MY FRAGILoh wait we can watch it right now that’s right it’s 2020 this is Netflix.
Remember that?

We seriously need a new dishwasher.
I might have even talked about this before. But we need a new dishwasher. I’ve been delaying the search because nothing has been open since 1987. But now that they ARE open once again and my dishwasher still sounds like an ostrich owl in heat, it’s time.
For months now (and I mean mooooonths) I try and time running the dishwasher when we go to bed at night. I even put a big piece of paper on my pillow (not pellow) after dinner that says, “DISHES, BEV DO NOT FORGET.”
You’re like, “Why not an alarm on your phone?”
Eh, paper works.
Do you have any dishwasher suggestions? We have LG right now (I almost typed “we’ve got LG right now” and then remembered one of your comments about hating the word “got” <when we were talking about words we hate> and how it’s filler and not needed. Well now I’m hyper aware of it! Of course!), and I’ve always liked the brand. But I’ll take suggestions if any of you have strong opinions about dishwashers. Which I feel like you might, because why else would you even be here?

Have you ever noticed how bizarre nerve endings are?
Like, for as long as I can remember, I’ve had this nuclear vampire’s tooth.
Wait, that’s something else.
For as long as I can remember, I’ve had this tiny bump on the back of my right arm, and when I pick at it (you’re like, just stop now) there’s this tiny spot on my lower back that reacts. In an itch!
Do things like that happen on you? Where you scratch one part of your body, only for another part, not even close to the original itch, to erupt in an equal itch, because the nerve endings are somehow tied. WHAT EVEN IS THAT?

Oh! Speaking of, this is how jank Aaron is. And tell me if this happens to you, too.
If he touches something vibrating with his left hand, like a shopping cart, his right eardrum reacts in an equal vibration. TO THE POINT where he’ll often push a shopping cart with this right hand only because he’ll go insane in public otherwise.
He’s never met anyone in his life with this same “condition” (weirdo), so let me know if anything like this happens to you so I can relay it to him.
I have this feeling it’s all tied to his not liking cheese. I mean I’m just sayin’.

Weekend plans?
Well it just started raining so I OKAY I GUESS I’ll have to avoid cleaning and finish A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. I have 140 pages left and I’m absolutely adoring every page. What a freaking treasure. Francie is 14 and I have a feeling ish gets craaaaay-zay.
Other than that, I’m going to see my friend Amanda’s new brick and mortar today (mask on, air hug, ya know) and support her new obviously-right-up-my-alley home shop! I might even buy Aaron some milled French soap and a linen tea towel for Father’s Day. TOTALLY for him. He’ll looooove it?
From this week, in case ya missed it:: A summer salmon supper with bacon and corn and all the things. (you’re already making it!) And a cozy French-Inspired Tuna Casserole. Yum yum. Both ludicrously simple. Both so delish. Get awn it.
You’re like, “okay but hold on, what exactly is a nuclear vampire’s tooth?”
Wouldn’t you like to know.
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