Friday Flotsam


Who came up with “selling like hotcakes?” And what exactly are hotcakes? Are we talking about pancakes here? Like a pancake breakfast? Like a Saturday morning pancake breakfast at the high school gym?

I realize I could look this up, but you’re cuter.

Well I’ve got some thoughts on this. (shocker, I know.)

Why would anything sell like hotcakes? Pancakes are not great, you guys. We learned this from Mitch Hedberg many a year ago. “All exciting at first, but by the end you’re sick of ’em.” So why do they sell again? Who’s even buying these “hotcakes.” I’d rather have a breakfast burrito, sir.

And if we’re going by the same principle, pancakes are made up of flour, eggs and sugar. Well so is . . . like everything else. Why is everything else not selling nearly at the speed of hotcakes? And what if the cakes get COLD? Are they still selling? Or do they have to be hot? Can they be lukewarm cakes?

“These are selling like lukewarm cakes!”

“Get your room-temp cakes right here, folks!”

Does that work? Could it? Should we try it?

These are the things I think about at night and all the time.

Another thing I’ve been thinking about lately is leopard print. (don’t x out!) Or, “leapord” print, as my fingers would prefer to type.

For the LONGEST time I’ve not been attracted to the whole animal print craze. My brain stubbornly placed it in a category of “real housewivesy” from the get-go and never imagined any sort of wavering.

But. Okay.

I’ve wavered.

Really, don’t x out!

You guys, I’ve figured out HOW IT CAN WORK FOR ME. To make a long story long, my friend Lacy has been trying to get on the leapord leopard print train forEVAR (Sandlot style), and I’ve stomped my feet and refused like a snotty toddler.

And theeeeeen when I was in New York last week, my producer Katy and I were dressed head-to-toe the exact same (dark green turtle neck and charcoal pants), but as we were heading out for wrap drinks, homegirl had the most adorable, French-girl leapord leopard print beret on and ALL THE LIGHT BULBS WENT OFF in my head. Ding ding ding ding ding!

I immediately texted Lacy, “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooow I get it.”

My phone exploded in my hand half a nano later, “WHAT? NO. NO. I’ve been telling you for years! This is complete bullsh!—” Gotta go get drinks, bye, Lace!

I figured it out. And I’m going tell you something you all already know but I’m an idiot and it takes me a long time with life things.

It has to be subtle. Little tiny things here and there. A belt, a beret. Maybe a mule. A fitted a-line skirt. French-girl chic. Accents, not a zoo parade of silliness.

As in, it can’t be like ’80s cougar lady. (no pun intended.) No overly drapey rayon blouses with shoulder pads from Chico’s. (no offense to anyone who shops at Chico’s.) (watch, I’m going to buy a drapey shirt in like 20 minutes from Chico’s.) (also, I’m not.)

QUESTION: what’s your take on animal print? Do you sport it? Avoid it? Wish you could wear it? Still trying to find your place in it? Just need a taco?

(also, I’ve got a leopard print beret-off in Stories, if none of you have a life and wish to humor me. spoiler alert: this one won.)

To my surprise, I’ve gotten a handful of questions from you guys about our potential house renovation! Well gosh! You’re sweet, thanks for even remembering or caring that we want to do this! I’m going to include one more exclamation point right here before we move on!

Okay. So the update there is tiny. But it’s still something. You know we had our architect/designer friends over mid-January to visualize, dream, fantasize. So since then we’ve gotten the unofficial approval from the city to start. Which means a survey has been ordered which maps out the footprint of the house, and the expansion footprint. Once that’s drafted, we’ll get another approval from the city, and it’s turned back to us for design! So in like, three weeks we’ll know more. And go from there. And gulp at the cost. And cry for a week. Then think about bath floor tile, soaker tubs and energy-efficient windows. #grownuppy

Once this aaaactually gets going later this year (I’m a sissy in the cold), would you be interested in actual blog posts on the progress? Decisions we make, the gutty demo, paint choices, me crying at how much it costs. I love that kind of stuff (minus me crying at the cost), and I feel like lots of you do, too. So if you dig, I’ll post!

Dig, hahahahaha! Ha hah a hh ah ah a.

h hah ah.


BOOK UPDATE: I’m nearing the halfway point of The Most Fun We Ever Had. I like it! I feel like we’re finally getting somewhere. Things are starting to reveal itself and I’m like, WHAT. Which is vague and obnoxious, I know.

Have you read it? Are you reading it? Did you love it?

That’s all.

Weekend plans?

We have basically nothing! When I say “nothing” I mean a visit to the vet this morning for Lil’s C’s yearly shots (don’t tell her), a meeting this afternoon with my beloved French Market to brainstorm another workshop for spring (would you come?!), two hall closets that desperately need a guttin’ and reorgin’ (or maybe just burn them down?), and a 6 year old’s cupcake and pajama birthday party on Sunday. So yeah, basically nothing.

Wait, are you googling leopard print belts? I hear they sell like hotcakes!

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26 Responses to Friday Flotsam

  1. Kristie Wilson February 7, 2020 at 9:01 am #
    I love leopard print and happen to be wearing a leopard print cardigan today! I say give it a try in small doses and before long, you will have several leopard pieces ? I have that book on my lengthy Overdrive wish list! It sounds pretty good.
  2. Jill February 7, 2020 at 9:20 am #
    Yes, to leopard print accents. I have booties, flats, a skinny belt, and an A-line skirt. Almost always with black everything else. Cute beret - may have to consider that. No, to snakeskin anything - ewwwww! Definitely yes, to renovation updates!
  3. Rebekah S February 7, 2020 at 9:21 am #
    Oh, please let us follow along on the renovations. I love that kind of thing.
  4. Kelly February 7, 2020 at 9:55 am #
    Please do update us on the reno stuff. I would like to do ours in the next year or two and maybe you can tell me how bad it's going to be?! ;) And you don't like pancakes? What? Doesn't everyone like pancakes? We put chocolate chips in them, maybe that's the appeal. More like a cookie pancake.
    • Bev Weidner February 7, 2020 at 10:57 am #
      You know, I've never been a pancake fan! When I was a KID, we'd make chocolate pancakes. And of course I liked that. But only like, three years of my life. Then I was grossed out and have been ever since! Ha! Now, savory burritos I'll take for daaaays.
  5. Dani February 7, 2020 at 10:27 am #
    I, too, am very late (and was very skeptical!) of the animal print trend but I just bought a pair of these babies and I love them! Baby steps.
  6. Amanda February 7, 2020 at 11:10 am #
    I hated animal prints for yeeeeeeeears but I finally caved and bought leopard flats and I WEAR THEM WITH EVERYTHING. That made me buy a leopard baby doll dress. Turns out I don't hate animal prints as much as I thought.
  7. Glenda February 7, 2020 at 11:44 am #
    Yes please on the renovations! I’m starting one in the next few weeks (or months depending on how long it takes to get approved by City Planning) too, so I would love to see what you do and who you turn to for inspiration. My current obsession are Studio McGee’s projects. I claim I am not into animal prints...and yet I own random items like leopard print ballet flats anyway.
  8. Melanie February 7, 2020 at 12:23 pm #
    I’d love a rnovation blog!
    • Melanie February 7, 2020 at 12:24 pm #
      That’s renovation, lol
  9. Debi February 7, 2020 at 12:43 pm #
    I would love to follow along on the blog with all the remodel details. Oh, and I have always liked a little leopard as an accessory item. I am considering copy cattin’ your beret.
  10. Natalie February 7, 2020 at 1:11 pm #
    I LOVE my leopard print flats. I have sneakers for the park and a pair of flats. They go with everything! I refuse to wear any other animal prints. I just don’t understand snake print.
  11. Marielle Harrington February 7, 2020 at 3:00 pm #
    Yes! Yes! To all of it.
  12. Amy W February 7, 2020 at 4:13 pm #
    I love my leopard flats. A top is ok. Just ok. As long as you DO NOT pair It with heavy black eye liner, long acrylic nailsl lol
  13. Rosemarie February 7, 2020 at 5:18 pm #
    Heck yes to house updates. Would love to see a “real” house update. I have never been on the animal print train, but I love the leopard print Rothy’s loafers. But I refuse to spend that much on-a pair of shoes like that? They are so cute I might give in bc I love their ethos. I’m conflicted obvs.
  14. Jenn P February 7, 2020 at 6:10 pm #
    Yes to the tiny bits of leopard. Yes to the reno updates. And I loved “The Most Fun We Ever Had.” One of my top 5 books of last year.
  15. Kristin February 7, 2020 at 7:27 pm #
    I read The Most Fun We Ever Had. I enjoyed it, though I spent a lot of time telling the characters to shape up and stop making bad decisions. I look forward to hearing what you have to say about it!
  16. Hannah February 7, 2020 at 9:27 pm #
    I would looooove blog posts updates on the reno! ❤️✨
  17. Robert R Reid February 8, 2020 at 7:20 am #
    Definitely home updates...with pictures please.
  18. Erin Hill February 9, 2020 at 6:52 am #
    I think leopard print is a great neutral! I can't pull off like a sweater in that print, but I love a shoe or earring.
  19. Jillian February 9, 2020 at 7:27 pm #
    Bring on the i before and after reno pictures!
  20. Mountaincat February 10, 2020 at 8:41 am #
    Absolutely on the reno updates and lots of pictures!!!!!!!
  21. Kayle (The Cooking Actress) February 11, 2020 at 7:21 pm #
    GIVE ME ALL THE HOUSE UPDATES, YESSS! And I used to be obsessed with leopard print (like my 13 year old bedroom was like a leopard print explosion), so now I'm wary but I still like an occasional dash. But yes totally has to be subtle!
  22. Christi Moisant February 14, 2020 at 10:38 pm #
    Is it wrong to want to know everything about the remodel? I'm here for it all.
  23. Susan February 20, 2020 at 12:00 pm #
    YES to all the reno details......and what in the world is that freaky little doll thingy sitting inappropriately on the plant ???????
  24. Anonymous March 30, 2020 at 7:17 pm #
    Yes to the Reno details!

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