Let’s get DARK for a second, shall we?
You’re like, I’m out.
I’ve debated on asking you this for w e e k s now, and I keep chickening out, because it might, I dunno, be triggery? But I keep coming back to it, and then I chicken out again because I feel like it’s just too much. But then I’m also super curious because I’m clearly demented. And it might not even be too big of a deal for you. But also, it might. In which you totally don’t have to answer. But also I hope you do.
Okay, it’s a two parter. (You know how I like a good two parter.)
Part one: What’s your biggest childhood fear? And it can be as tiny as crossing your legs in front of adults and fearing that they think you think you’re already a grownup. (<–you do hold me in your prayers, right?) Or it might be the boogeyman. What is it?
And part two: Did you carry that fear into adulthood? It might come as a shock to you that I am no longer nervous about crossing my legs in front of other human beings. Progress can be made, guys.
I feel like I’m pretty boring and cliche with my fears. I’ve ALWAYS been scared to drown. Like being forced to drown. I cannot deal with that thought. Basically being murdered in general. (told you we were getting dark!)
But INSECTS. No. Anything that flies, walks, breathes, is tiny and shiny and black – NO.CANNOT. It is painful for humans to be around me when a bug is present. I scream, screech, lose conscious, pass away and am no longer.
I guess being murdered by insects would be the end all. I’m going to barf now.
Tell me yours! Only if you want. No presh.
You’re like, why don’t we start with not saying presh.

Remind me, what mascara do you use again?
I just ran out this week, so I’m headed out today to get something new. I’ve been a faithful Bad Gal Bang user for a while, but switched to Thrive to change it up. And now I’m out of both, and want something fabulous and dramatic and perfect. I want my lashes WAVING HELLO TO THE NORTH POLE.
What chew gawt?

BOOK FRONT: Finished Ask Again, Yes last night!
UGH. It was beautiful. I did love it. I feel like it just wrapped up a little too quickly at the end, but so many books do that, so I wasn’t overly peeved.
Also, I want to know specifically how much Brian left everyone! It’s those little untold details that make me crazy. Overall, it’s pretty powerful. I love books that span the decades and show how time does in fact soften you. Even in intense drama. Eventually parts of us mellow. I won’t say anything else, in case you’ve not read it.
Starting The Broken Girls tonight. Can.not.wait.
PODCAST FRONT: Ummmm are you guys listening to Dolly Parton’s America? It’s sooooooooooooo good. Embarrassingly, I’ve never really known that much about Dolly, besides the obvious. Jolene, I Will Always Love You, Nine to Five and well, her girls. But this podcast is incredible. And we’re only three episodes in. (yeah, Aaron’s listening with me <he actually suggested it!> and absolutely loves it) I highly recommend. Ugh, the story of her walking into Porter Wagoner’s office and saying, “Sit down,” and singing I Will Always Love You. WHAT? I love that. Had no idea that was the story behind the song. Dolly wins.
MUSIC FRONT: PIANO. I’m just giddy at our shared love over this instrument. Look at all of you listening to Debussy! Noiiiiice. (<–sorry)

So I filmed a couple of episodes with Prairie Fresh pork last month, and they’re both right here if you want to see them! Super fun. I appreciate all the watchers and commenters and sharererrerers. THANK YOU.
Also, we still need to throw our squirrel-mangled pumpkins away. I’ll ask Aaron to do that.

Weekend plans?
My girl Ashlee (the one I always talk about who reads all the books with me but is never on social media and hates being put on social medial so clearly I had to post a video of her dancing to “I Want to Get Freaky with You” while we were camping a few weeks ago to Instagram Stories and I feel like she’ll never forgive me but it was so worth it – her!) has a birthday tomorrow. “HAS A BIRTHDAY” tomorrow. She’s not five. She’s a grown woman. So we’re brunching and wine crawling and pedicuring. CURING OUR FEET. I’ve never actually thought about that word. Don’t get cocky, pedicure word inventor person.
Mascara! Go.
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