
Ahhhhh this is my absolute favorite month of the year. My favorite TIME of year. I want to punch it in the face I love it so dern much.
Halloween costumes – check.
Pumpkins on the front porch for all the squirrels to masticate and destroy – check.
New trench coat eagerly waiting for me in my closet – check.
All that’s left is your tunes, brah!
Sorry I called you brah.
This mix – while there’s no real theme, it’s really just a collection of songs I’ve been wildly obsessing over lately. Hannah Cohen, duh. Sam Evian’s cover of Right Down the Line – perfection. Vintage Joni Mitchell that will make you want to cue up the scene from Love Actually – when the mom opens the Joni CD and realizes it’s not the heart shaped necklace and she goes to her room and sobs for a second then shakes her hands and pulls herself together for the sake of her kids – and bawl your face off for thirty hours.
It’s all a bit dreamy. A little washy with ’60s and ’70s mood. Sixteen songs from top to bottom. And I promise, every one of them will make you bob your head, give your heart chamber a little extra blood, it’s all just good mood music!
Without holding you hostage for a second longer, I give you . . . The “Pumpkin Patch and ‘I Got a Rock'” mix.
Raise your hand if you get the “I Got a Rock” reference. DO NOT LET ME DOWN.
And as always, you can peruse the “Monthly Mixtape” section of my site for aaaaaaaaalllllll the playlists. There are tons. Really. I should be locked up.
7 Responses to Monthly Mixtape: Pumpkin Patches and “I Got a Rock.”