We made it!! Which you already know because we got here a week ago. Almost a week ago. Six days ago. Basically a week ago.

And it.is.stupid.stunning.
Like, my eyes don’t know what to do with themselves here. You see photos all your life of this rugged terrain, the forest, the mountains, the water, the sand, the Subarus.
But in person it’s just ridiculous! And we’ve barely just begun. We have SO much planned over the next three weeks, but for now – a little peek into what last week looked like.
Ready, BRAH?

Of course one of the very first things we did was to go find clams. These are steamer clams, and SO GOOD. We did hunt for razor clams yesterday, which you already saw in my Stories and sent me vomit-face emojis for hours WHICH OKAY. I get it. I sent them right back to you in solidarity. Matter of fact, I’ve got a whole post on razor clam hunting coming next week. Get your vomit-face emojis geared up!

Our house is amazing. Those giant windows wrap around over half the house, and they line up with the slant of the Neahkahnie Mountain perfectly, but I’m not showing you that here because I didn’t think I would be talking about that until right this second k byeeeeee.

So Manzanita – okay, we knew NOTHING about this place when we started our search for our Pacific Northwest nest. We knew we didn’t want an overly touristy place, but something that still offered a few charming spots that we could explore and frequent during the month. And it’s just perfect! One main “strip” with a few local restaurants, a winery, grocery store, book store (going today) and shops that you can buy things you don’t actually need but do clearly need. Like cheap stackable rings with tiny mustard jewels on them. It’s all I can think about.
This is the Winery at Manzanita – CUTE PLACE. They have these crazy gourmet s’mores and although the kids look like they’re being forced to do algebra, they really loved them. I even had a bite! LIVING ON THE EDGE, GUYS.

So next door to Manzanita is a teeeeeny town called Nehalem. And when I said the word Nehalem, I say it like Maya Rudolph might. Sunken eyes, double chin but yet emitting a wanna-be sexy vibe with a slight sway in the shoulders, “Ne-HEH-lem.” And it makes me giggle.

It was at this winery that I discovered a SHOCKING (<–said like Joan Cusack in High Fidelity) truth.
Guys, I had a Riesling. And enjoyed it. And freaked out a smidge. Not a HINT of sweet and I’m not kidding. Bone dry, crisp. I’m a different person.
Aaron wants to go back next weekend because this winery is hosting a huge reggae fest and I’m like . . . okay?

Ahhhhh the Goonies rock. NEVER SAY DIE!
Yesterday morning we made the tiny treck (everything is so close here!) to Cannon Beach to get our obligatory photo with the childhood beloved Haystack Rock.

And it’s just . . . breathtaking. The whole upper half of the rock looks to be covered in a thick, lush moss, with white seagulls circling around and perched all over it. Just magnificent.

After Haystack we dropped into Sleepy Monk coffee shop, per your maaaany suggestions! It’s darling, hippie, cozy, warm. And has the best bacon and blue cheese scone I’ve EVER HAD. I’m now into scones because of this place.
The end.

Right north of Seaside (which I believe we’re officially spending the afternoon there tomorrow!), is Gearhart – and THIS IS WHERE YOU CLAM. When I was shopping a few days ago, the owner of a cute store on the Manzanita strip gave me the tip – drive to Gearhart for major clamming. And omg, it’s true. Clammers EVERYWHERE. Which you can’t tell from this photo, but the other direction had kajillions of people in rainboots, ankle deep in the sand, pulling out giant pacific razor clams in huge white sci-fi- looking clamming tubes.
More on this soon. Vomit-face emoji!

After we clammed our 10 giant honkers, we found a stunning park on the way back to Manzanita called Hug Point. Holy moly it is gorgeous. This is what Oregon looks like. So rude.

I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore. (don’t look at me like that. I live in Kansas I GET TO SAY IT.)

It makes me crazy how spectacular this whole area is.

We let the kids swim a little bit before heading back, but would you believe those people (and a ton more!) were in BATHING SUITS. Hello, I had a jacket on. It was like 57 degrees.
Oh! Before I forget – I’m getting a ton of messages asking about their wet suits and beach shoes. The suits are Amazon (Aaron found them), and the shoes are thrifted (Aaron found them.)
But I can tell you what I’m about to find. Stackable rings with tiny mustard JEWELS ON THEM.

This was the view on our way back to Manzanita. Just a hair north of where we’re living. HOW IS THIS REAL.

So this place – Bread and Ocean is my favorite so far. ADORABLE bakery tucked back on the main strip in town. It has an outside patio, a quaint inside with a huge rustic skylight, and then a bar next door. See you never. (more in my Stories!)

This is from the inside window. I wonder if the owners would notice if I stick this plant in my bra.

This is my running route. Half I do on the pavement, and other half on the beach. I know, I’m so BIG LITTLE LIES RIGHT NOW.
(also, that fog is so Oregonian. There are patches of GHOSTY FOG everywhere. It’s like Twilight! FUN FACT: we’re planning on going to Indian Beach next week, which is one of the spots used in the movie! More on this soon. You’re like, or not?)

That’s all for now! I seriously could have shown you 50 more photos, but I value our relationship, so I’ll stop while I’m ahead.
Tonight we’ll hit the Manzanita Farmer’s Market, maybe get some tacos this afternoon, hit up Seaside tomorrow, go crabbing IN A BOAT next week, along with a trip to Astoria! Which is only like 45 minutes away. Everything is so close here!

As always, hit me up if you have any insider tips or hidden gems that I must absolutely seek out. Speaking of gems, IMMA GET MY STACKABLE RING TODAY WITH A MUSTARD JEWEL ON IT.
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