Happy New Yeaaaaaaar! Let’s ease into this thing, ‘mkay?

Last year I left you with music, and this year, I’m welcoming you back with music! It’s the only way. That and, I got lazy yesterday and didn’t want to edit a recipe. (WHERE ARE EMOJIS WHEN YOU NEED THEM.)
How was your break? Too long? Not long enough? Did you get that steam engine train set you’ve been wanting all your life?
The kids go back to school this morning and I’m COMING UNDONE AT THE SEAMS with new-year-get-out-of-my-house glee. I mean, of course it’s been sparkly festive magic glitter town having them home for two weeks. But dude. Get dressed, get those teefies (<–sorry) brushed and GET GAWN. I can feel your collective nod of heads upon my soul.
This mixtape! SO. I’ve actually been gathering these songs for a while now, not exactly knowing when I’d drop them on you. And as I sat down with this particular playlist yesterday, I realized that the chill, spacey vibes are EXACTLY the way I want to start this year. Not hyper ambitious or overly enthusiastic. (which is the complete opposite of my nature.) But – relaxed. Are you the same? Or do you Donkey Kong your face into January?
Either way, I’m SO INTO THIS MIXTAPE. It totally has that vibe that you kind of want to experience alone. Now that the house is empty again. Get reorganized and lost in this while you listen. Pick up the house and let these songs sort of carry you through the little list of tasks. And then later on listen again with a glass of wine and a magazine. Or at work while you’re catching up on email. Or in the car while you’re picking up dry cleaning or a bag of kale because January.
*I will say, there are two curse words in it. Right in the middle (if you listen THE WAY YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO.) I’m just telling you in case you have tiny humans at home and need a warning. Don’t be mad at me. It’s the NEW YEAR, YOU GUYS.
You’re going to obsess over this. I give you . . . the “Fresh Rhythm and Crisp Sheets” mix.
The countdown to springs begiiiiiiiiins now! (too soon?)
This time last year.
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