Changing it up today! Because it’s Christmas and I’m feeling naughty.

Remember back in August when we drove to Arkansas to see new houses and to celebrate my birthday and to eat stinky cheeses and drink rosé on blankets outside and hug necks of my friends and fam?
This photo is from that trip! JK.
One evening we went over to my sister Barbara’s house to eat pulled pork, and out of nowhere, her husband JFK Junior quietly disappears into their little recording room and presses play. And the room falls to a hush. And throats tighten. And tears pool in the bottom of eyelids. And I refilled my rosé and posted tiny clips to InstaStories.
See, many people feel that The Sound of Music is a holiday movie. I CONSTANTLY hear from followers and blog readers that their favorite movie to watch at Christmas is The Sound of Music. To me, it’s an all-the-time movie. An everything movie. It’s not even a movie. It’s a lifestyle.
Guys, Barbara sings this song so perfectly and so hauntingly pure that it stills my soul.
She has an unreal gift, completely unparalleled to anything I’ve ever heard. I remember the very first time I knew Bar had singing talent. I found a tape she recorded at the Hobbs, New Mexico mall (!!!) of her singing an old Shania Twain song and I COMPLETELY FLIPPED OUT. It was beyond good. And she was like, eight years old. Not fair, you guys. I’m still not over it.
So here’s the song for you at Christmas. I added a few harmonies here and there, because blood. But it’s 100% Barbara that brings this song to the most transcending, tranquil, stop-you-in-your-tracks place. Get ready to not be able to breathe for two minutes and 22 seconds.
The Hills Are Alive.
Merry Christmas! Hope you don’t get coal.
See you next Friday. xx.
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