Apparently I appreciated the significance of screwdrivers from a very early age.
Now I just appreciate them at brunch. Heeeeeey-oh!
I just wanted to pop on here for a quick second to tell you something. And I’m seriously serious. Seriously.
I appreciate you too. So, so, so much. I’m here day to day because YOU are here day to day. And you all make my days. All of you. All of them. I wish we could cheers our screwdrive – I MEAN coffees right now. You have no idea how much it means to me and how it makes my heart do the Electric Slide when I read every single hilarious comment, all the tweets, the sweet emails, the Facebook banter. I love it all SO much. So, thank you.
WHOAAAA HEY, LUMP IN THE THROAT. (I told myself I wouldn’t cry.)
I hope you all have the Merriest, Smerriest, Bo Berriest Ler Lerriest Za Zerriest Christmas evaaaaar!
Did I already say thank you? Okay I did. Okay. Okay thank you. <3
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