Food Blog Forum…In Pictures

Well, we did it!

We Nashville’d our booties off. We food blog forum’d our faces off. And it ruled, BIG TIME.

Here’s the weekend, in pictures.

We were on the road Friday morning by 4am. We made it to Nashville in 8 hours. (It’s a 9.5 hour trip. Just sayin’.)

We arrived to the Nash just in time for lunch. This place was ah-may-zing. Thank you, Lindsay for the suggestion.


Please get in my mouth before I freak out. And thank you.

That night we attended a welcome party at the Nashville Farmer’s Market. Complete with samples from tons of vendors, we made our way through the unbelievable goods.

Uh, yes please.

Arnold Myint (from Top Chef!) gave a cooking demo (and samples, YEAH).  He made me giggle.

These lentil tacos made me cry.

Next day we attended the day-long seminar. This is everyone at lunch. They brought in 3 food trucks and we bounced around from truck to truck, stuffing our faces and possibly dancing a little. IT’S A FOOD TRUCK, for crying out loud.

Oh, look! It’s Lauren, Carly and Jaclyn!

Our food. Uh huh, you guys.

Here’s me with the faaabulous Alison Lewis!  Love this girl.

And oh! It’s me with the spectacular Jaden Hair! She might rule my face.

And got.ta. love. this. woman. It’s me with Paula Jones!

And, um, this girl might own a new slice of my heart. Hi, Christina!

I can’t explain how I feel about these ladies. Just can’t. It’s me with Lindsay and Jaclyn!

After the party, we headed to The Hard Rock Cafe where we tasted a billion burgers and rated them. I think all of my ratings were something like OMG.

These ladies are. so. awesome. Hi, Jenny and Amanda! p.s. LOVE that necklace.

Here’s a burger that ended up in my face.

And here’s the entire group! I hate that I wasn’t able to fit everyone into the picture. Stupid lens.

I had so much and just luuuurve all of you! Let’s do it again this weekend, m’kay?

Cool. Cool.

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39 Responses to Food Blog Forum…In Pictures

  1. Lauren October 10, 2011 at 6:41 pm #
    LOVE these! And, I may steal one or two...
  2. carly {carlyklock} October 10, 2011 at 6:52 pm #
    Yes, let's do it again! Just without so many dadgum burgers. [Meat sweats.] Love Jaclyn up there!
  3. Rachel @ Not Rachael Ray October 10, 2011 at 6:53 pm #
    So. Jealous! Looks like a BLAST!
  4. carly {carlyklock} October 10, 2011 at 6:54 pm #
    P.S. Vacation, HAD TO GET AWAY.
  5. Cassie (Bake Your Day) October 10, 2011 at 7:34 pm #
    Love. Ready to head out again. I agree with Carly though - no meat this time!
  6. Lisa {With Style and Grace} October 10, 2011 at 8:00 pm #
    oh. my. goodness. what a fun recap! yeah, super jealous i couldn't be there with all you fabulous ladies, don't mind while i pout over here in the corner. ok, i'm done. oh, thanks for introducing me to new food bloggers - already bookmarked a few new recipes to try!
  7. Erin @ Dinners, Dishes and Desserts October 10, 2011 at 8:17 pm #
    What a great trip!! So jealous!
  8. jaclyn October 10, 2011 at 8:20 pm #
    let's talk about the fact that you are amazing. let's talk about the fact that we are amazing together. let's talk about the fact that we are adorable in photographs together. let's talk about the fact that i love that last group photo of all of us more than life itself. best time ever this weekend? i think so. scratch that, i know so. i totes love you, can't wait to see you again soon! SOON. <333
  9. Tracey October 10, 2011 at 9:12 pm #
    Awesome! Thanks for sharing! :)
  10. Kelsey October 10, 2011 at 10:38 pm #
    Looks like you girls had a blast! Need to get my butt down from Canada for the next one!
  11. DessertForTwo October 10, 2011 at 10:57 pm #
    OMG love this! Ok, stealing all your pics right now! Oh wait, is that ethical?! Love ya! Mwah! Christina
  12. DessertForTwo October 10, 2011 at 11:07 pm #
    P.S. You're so dang pretty, Bev!
    • Bev Weidner October 11, 2011 at 12:36 am #
      You make me BLUSH, girl! Thank you. xo!
  13. Deborah October 10, 2011 at 11:46 pm #
    Looks like tons of fun! I'm green with envy right about now...
  14. Sommer@ASpicyPerspective October 11, 2011 at 2:05 am #
    Very fun pictures! It was so great to meet you in person!
  15. Lesley October 11, 2011 at 3:02 am #
    Wow, fantastic photos. So glad you enjoyed Nashville! I really think Beth, Lindsay, and Leah outdid themselves for this event. It was fantastic!
  16. Sylvia@bascooking October 11, 2011 at 11:04 am #
    Looks you had a great and fun time in Nashville. The pictures say all. Lovely
  17. Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga October 11, 2011 at 11:46 am #
    What a fabulous post! I wish I would have gone. All the events I don't go to...those are the ones that I dearly, sorely, wish I was at. You look gorgeous, too! And I could have loved to meet you...and everyone else! Christina, Jaden, Jenny & Amanda, read somewhere that Tood & Diane did a woulda coulda shoulda been there!
  18. Katie October 11, 2011 at 12:30 pm #
    Gah, what a fun week! You make me jealous that I wasn't there! Thanks for the drool on my keyboard.
  19. Erin October 11, 2011 at 2:28 pm #
    SO sad I couldn't be there with you all, next time I promise!
  20. nicole b. October 11, 2011 at 8:52 pm #
    This looks like soooo much fun. You ladies did it RIGHT. And, now, I'm hungry. Must eat burger, xo.
  21. Natalie @ Perrys' Plate October 11, 2011 at 10:05 pm #
    Just so you know.... pure jealousy is oozing out of every. single. pore. I'm sure I could have squeezed myself into that table. Right?
    • Bev Weidner October 12, 2011 at 12:14 am #
      You just have noooo idea how much you were missed!
  22. Anonymous October 13, 2011 at 3:47 am #
    Bev, how fun is all this!! Awesome recap to the FBF Nash. Can't wait to meet you for reals someday. I really love all of your passion, drive & energy. xxoo
  23. Wenderly October 13, 2011 at 8:44 pm #
    SO FUN! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. SO jealous. Wish I could have met your sweet little self and hung with all of you lovelies. Soon. Very soon. *fingers crossed*
    • Bev Weidner October 13, 2011 at 9:42 pm #
      Yes, yes, yes!! It's BOUND to happen at some point. We simply m.u.s.t. meet! <3
  24. brandi October 19, 2011 at 6:11 pm #
    FANTastic recap :) love that last picture - you got everyone!
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  1. Indian-Spiced Roasted Vegetables Over Lentils | Bev Cooks - October 11, 2011 [...] from time to time, but after sampling 6 (SIX, you guys) of them over the weekend with a bunch of food bloggers, my innards began to sing ballads of regret to me the entire 8-hour drive back to Kansas [...]
  2. Guest Post and Mulled Red Wine Sangria | Bev Cooks - November 28, 2011 [...] look like sissies, my chili is hanging out on Picky Palate today! I met Jenny last month at the Food Blog Forum and it’s a hilarious understatement to say I dig her. Girl’s rad and can tear UP a [...]

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