Tag Archives | shrimp

Playing With Fire


I know. I know. I cooked shrimp like 5 minutes ago. But when the man with the dangling nose requests shrimp with green beans and rice, I obey. I jump up and down like a 5-year old girl about to pee her pants because she loves shrimp so much, then I get to cooking. I […]

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Haunted Polenta Cakes. Sort of.


Aaah Halloween. The perfect excuse to scare yourself silly watching movies,to eat way too much chocolate and tootsie rolls and to hand out the same sugar bombs to the future of our world. I love it. This weekend was especially nice because we spent the Holiday weekend with our in-laws and sister-in-law. After 48 hours […]

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Are You Kidding?


Our summer garden produced an obnoxious amount of produce today. While I was tactfully telling the garden that Halloween was next weekend, Aaron was tactfully telling me to chill and enjoy the free food. Men. When I say obnoxious I’m talking about a zucchini the size of a canoe, enough scotch bonnet peppers for 87 […]

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Status Supper


Don’t you feel that naming a dish “shrimp po’ boy” is somewhat of an oxymoron?  Because, hi, shrimp is not that cheap. Maybe they mean that after you purchase the shrimp you become a po’ boy. Perhaps it should just be called, “middle class marine meal.”  Or maybe, “rich man’s torpedo.”  Maybe I should shut […]

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