Tag Archives | homemade dough

Pepperoni and Artichoke Heart Pizza

Pepperoni and Artichoke Heart Pizza / Bev Cooks

I’m about to officially leave the country and head to ISRAEL (!) today, but I feel like you need some pizza first. You need some pizza, right? You really do. Aside from making your own dough, this could easily be slapped under the “dern tootin’ easy” category. You’ll chop up some artichoke hearts, you’ll grate […]

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Homemade Calzones with Chicken and Asparagus


So, yesterday afternoon while Aaron and I marked off some embarrassingly overdue chores on our to-do list, I kept pondering dinner. Out loud. “Hey babe, what should we have for dinner? What do you want to eat? What sounds good tonight? What are you craving? When should we start cooking? Now perhaps? No? Stop talking? […]

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