Tag Archives | focaccia

Focaccia Pizza

Focaccia Pizza / Bev Cooks

Ummmm it’s another snow day, so we’re making BREAD, gosh darnit. Yes please. I don’t know how you’re all faring over there on your end, but this is snow day #75,924 and we are holding on by a frozen thread. I’m keeping an upbeat attitude though, because WARMTH IS ON THE WAY ALL CAPS NECESSARY. […]

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Olive and Lemon Focaccia

Olive and Lemon Focaccia / Bev Cooks

Bread! We like bread. We live for bread. And you’ll lose your mind over this one. This would be a stellar idea for next week. Or this weekend. Or tomorrow. Because we’re nestling lemon slices and briny olives with a pinch of crushed red pepper and flaky sea salt into some rustic bubbly bread and […]

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Sundried Tomato and Rosemary Focaccia

Sundried Tomato and Rosemary Focaccia / Bev Cooks

OooooooWEE! Yes we’re baking bread in the middle of summer, and it’s wonderful. I say “middle of summer” – when technically summer starts this week. What’s the solstice? 20th? 21st? Hold on, let me look. 20th! So we’re having summer solstice focaccia. My grand plan all along. We’ve made a lot of bread on this […]

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Christmas Tree Focaccia

Christmas Tree Focaccia / Bev Cooks

You HAD to see this coming. I can’t seem to stop with bread art. I have no intentions of ever stopping with bread art. It find it soothing, therapeutic, relaxing and inspiring. CARB ART. How can anyone be against this? And you don’t have to make a tree. But I made a tree with randoms […]

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Focaccia Bread Art

Focaccia Bread Art / Bev Cooks

Bread. Art. You guys!!! If there is something more cut out for my life, I’m willing to hear it. But I’m not sure there is. I am dying over this. DYING. And it’s like, not even that great. Of course I’ve seen these garden art designs on Pinterest for a while, and have been obsessed […]

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