Tag Archives | drinks

Homemade Lemon Balm Tea


I have a lot of lemon balm in my garden. Like, a lot. No really, a LOT LOT. So much so, that I included a little video at the end of this post of me attempting to harvest lemons in the lemon balm patch. Because that’s how it totally works, right? Oh. Have you ever […]

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Frozen Papaya Daiquiri


I WANT SPRING. We have a long way to go, don’t we? Tell you what, while we power through the next 8 weeks, 3 days, 17 hours and 23 seconds, here’s a leetle frozen papaya cocktail to help distract your soul from what’s actually going on outside. Go ahead and make 25 pitchers. GOSH, I’M […]

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Meyer Lemon Hot Toddy


Remember when I went to Florida a few weeks ago to visit Jaden, Julie and Jessica? (photo recap coming later this week)That was awesome. I miss those pigeons. All right so, Saturday afternoon Jaden and I are doing our nails with this crazy astronaut Darth Vader time capsule machine thingy, and in walks Julie, with […]

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