Spinach and Chickpea Burgers


The Great Vegetarian Challenge: Day 2 Um, pardon me? You, yes you – spring allergies. What did I ever do to make you hate me so much? What makes you think that a bright red runny nose and puffy eyes are considered “attractive?” What gives you the right to bestow feelings of poo on me […]

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Quinoa, Say Wha?


The Great Vegetarian Challenge: Day 1 First of all, today is my 7-year anniversary living in Kansas City. It is next to impossible for me to grasp this. It seems just like last week that Aaron and his boss drove to Fayetteville, AR to pack up my entire life and stick it in a tiny […]

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Vegetarian Week!


It’s here! It’s time to throw all cattle, pork and chickens aside and focus on fruits, veggies and whole grains. It’s only for 7 days. Stop crying. I have five dinner meals planned. I’m leaving the other two open. Sometimes life takes you unexpectedly to a patio. Sometimes you just have no idea what to […]

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Smoked Chorizo and White Bean Soup


With the spring temperatures taking a mini-vacation and steady rain showers passing through the metro, (that’s what they call it on the local news) I found myself digging out my warmest yoga pants, my newest novel and a cozy spot on the couch with my sweet pup. Well, she was only sweet after I freaked […]

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Potato, Leek and Bacon Pizza


Even when you stay at home, there’s still a magic about a weekend approaching. The energy in the air is different. Your hair blows in the breeze a little sexier. Your skin tone glows with anticipation. The flowers bloom a little brighter and the trees stand a little taller. Your nails grow a little faster […]

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