Creamy Baked Cauliflower

Creamy Baked Cauliflower / Bev Cooks

Okay, I had an entire post written out yesterday, but it completely disappeared. CANNOT remember what I said, so here are the photos and the recipe and I’ll let you at it! No words? Probably a dream come true for most. Let’s test this out. Will you comment and let me know it worked?! Also […]

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Friday Flotsam

fall tree / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrah! tah! sa! ma! da! You want to know what else I can’t stand? (I’m feeling fine! Why do you ask?) SEEING SOCKS. Like out of a tennis shoe. Poking out like a little nosy turtle head. Nerp. I know it’s trendy. I know it’s cool with the Gen Z, but they’re wrong. I can’t […]

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Monthly Mixtape: All The Vibes (Again!)

Monthly Mixtape: All The Vibes (Again!) / Bev Cooks

Hey-ohhhhh, November! I’m giving you guys a repeat. We’re in that season of life of WHEN IT RAINS IT POURS. New furnace. (ouch) Sick dog. (she’s all good.) Wonky TV. (found a janky solution for now.) Dead car (officially car shopping and I hate it.) But! – I’m not naturally a complainer, just explaining why […]

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Friday Flotsam

tree and leaves / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeedeeeeleeeemeemmmeeemmemee. What kind of retinol do you use? Like at night. What brand? What percentage? What formula? What voodoo potion of yesterlore of the ancient tales of yonder? Is that the way you say it? I ask because I was in the middle of a little pumpkin enzyme facial yesterday, and the lady goes, “Honey […]

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Sort of Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup

Sort of Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup / Bev Cooks

Okay. I say “sort of” because there are three cups of cream in this! THREE! THA-REE. We’re fine. It looks way brothier than I anticipated, but it was still heavenly we’re wrapping our heads (and mouths) around sort-of creamy chicken noodle soup. And it’s basically French because there’s tarragon in it. Ha! Never mind. Let […]

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Baked Brie with Pecans and Rosemary

Baked Brie with Pecans and Rosemary / Bev Cooks

New obsession if you don’t mind me saying. Everyone loves a baked brie. Name someone who doesn’t lose their sh*t over a baked brie. (We’re leaving Aaron out of this situation.) Ya can’t! We’re into baked bries. Some are wrapped in puff pastry, others are baked as is and get draped with various sweet or […]

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Friday Flotsam

fall leaves / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrace day tomorrow!!! (!!!!!) . (!) I’m feeling ready. I’m feeing great. I have a teeny weeny two miles left to run today and it’s an official wrap on half marathon training. I cannot believe it. Remember when I started this back in June?! Bananas. The hardest part for me during this training was reaching […]

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Cheesy Baked Chicken and Tomatoes

Baked Cheesy Chicken and Tomatoes / Bev Cooks

Obscenely simple dinner alert! Get excited. When I say we barely do anything, I mean . . . we barely do anything. There’s some dicing. That’s about it. The rest is a nestle/sprinkle/bake situation that will have you teary by the end of this post. And listen, I made the crusty bread because I’m working […]

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Roasted Cabbage with Bacon and Ranch

Roasted Cabbage with Bacon and Ranch / Bev Cooks

New favorite side dish! Don’t even try to argue. Have you ever roasted your cabbage? This was my first time (I know!) and I was floored. It’s a whole thing. A whole experience. A whole mood. And we’re doing it today so that you can be blown away too and forever altered. Let us peepeth. […]

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Friday Flotsam

moody kitchen / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I need to get back into pies! Lit-rally hadn’t planned on typing those words until they just came out of my fangies. Tell me something, and this is going to sound so silly, but (and I could google this but you’re cuter) are chess pies (like the word CHESS) the word I’m looking for […]

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