Archive | Monthly Mixtape

Monthly Mixtape: Baguettes and Berets

Monthly Mixtape: Baguettes and Berets

Although I do think I’m actually eating a croissant here. TANT PIS, LE GARS. At last! Your Francaaaais mixtape. I will confess, my knowledge of French music was actually pretty limited before putting this playlist together. Outside of Stereolab, the Amélie soundtrack and Brigitte Bardot, I was jumping in cold! Well, cool. I know the […]

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Monthly Mixtape: Straw Visor and New Moon

Monthly Mixtape: Straw Visor and New Moon

August! Yeah it completely freaks me out, too. The gremlins start KIN-DER-GAR-TEN in 15 minutes, the ’embers are right around the corner, and some of my spring potted plants are expectedly crispy on the unders. Tiiiime keeps on tickin’ tickin’, into the fuuutuuuuure. STOP IT. However, it’s my birthday month, so I refuse to get […]

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Monthly Mixtape: ’90s Hip Hop, Yo

Monthly Mixtape: '90s Hip Hop, Yo / Bev Cooks

“BEFORE I HAD STATUS AND BEFORE I HAD A PAGER.” Is there any better way to start this day than with those lyrics? No. No there is not. At last! The ’90s Hip Hop mix I’ve been promising you for ohhhh how long? Okay, less than a month. But it’s here! And it’s gooooood. It […]

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Monthly Mixtape: Sun Hats and Seedlings

Monthly Mixtape: Sun Hats and Seedlings

April! About. frickin’. time. Not that I’m trying to wish life away. My jowls are squeezing the reins of time continuum like DUUUUUUUUDE CHIIIIILL. But the rest of me is super pumped to see April. First of all, today’s our anniversary! Wedding. 14 years. So insane. Secondly, I pick up kindergarten enrollment packs today and […]

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