Archive | Chicken

Creamy Chicken and Shell Pasta with Pancetta

Creamy Chicken and Shells Pasta with Pancetta / Bev Cooks

It’s so winter right now. (said like Will Ferrel in Zoolander) This is a total yummers. Absolute comfort with bangin’ flavors. Not only is it seasoned and seared chicken thighs in a creamy sauce all nestled with pasta shells, we’re topping it with PANCETTA yes girl please. It’s crispy and rich and has so much […]

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Stovetop Chicken Stroganoff

Stovetop Chicken Stroganoff / Bev Cooks

Strog! I call it Strog and everyones hate it. Strog, bro! This is a little different. It’s all stovetop (which I guess most are), but it uses a blend of Greek Yogurt and sour cream with tomato paste that’s to completely scream over. And the chicken – we’re using thighs that we’ve seasoned and seared […]

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Rosemary Chicken and White Beans

Rosemary Chicken and White Beans / Bev Cooks

Another weeknight wonder, coming full-steam at ya! I have a thing for chicken. Chicken thighs. And rosemary. Fresh. And lemon. Lots of it. And creamy cannellini beans. I’ll take it all. So let’s whip up an incriminatingly simple weeknight dish that will have you in the fetal position. But I’m not dramatic about it or […]

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Thai Chicken Noodle Bowls

Thai Chicken Noodle Bowls / Bev Cooks

But weeknight style! This is all kinds of simple, and we’ll need to discuss it for your menu this week before my head explodes. Because listen – we’ll make one sauce; divide it for the chicken, save the rest for swirling. You can dig it, right? Let us peepeth. Herbs + chicken thighs + peanut […]

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BBQ Chicken and Rice Bowls

BBQ Chicken and Rice Bowls / Bev Cooks

So insanely easy you will NOT believe. This is always my goal for you. For us. For me. For the world. Simple, but with a punch. I do appreciate a good meditative project recipe from time to time. But it’s a Tuesday night, bro. I need this ish to come together pronto. Let us peepeth. […]

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Weeknight Chicken Nachos

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Hello, my favorite new wing-it weeknight PLATTER ‘O BLISS. But I’m not dramatic about it or anything. Nachos. We all love them. We all forget what an easy whip-it-up situation they can be and completely are. This isn’t even really a recipe. It’s just a springboard to get that noggin of yours juiced up (sorry) […]

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Buffalo Chicken Wraps

Buffalo Chicken Wraps / Bev Cooks

You can’t get mad about the game day food, right? It’s so that time. These look laborious, but truly, they’re just odds and ends of whatever you have in the fridge that will make up these wraps. (I almost called them wrappy-poos but I remember I like having human friends.) I cannot get enough of […]

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Sort of Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup

Sort of Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup / Bev Cooks

Okay. I say “sort of” because there are three cups of cream in this! THREE! THA-REE. We’re fine. It looks way brothier than I anticipated, but it was still heavenly we’re wrapping our heads (and mouths) around sort-of creamy chicken noodle soup. And it’s basically French because there’s tarragon in it. Ha! Never mind. Let […]

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Cheesy Baked Chicken and Tomatoes

Baked Cheesy Chicken and Tomatoes / Bev Cooks

Obscenely simple dinner alert! Get excited. When I say we barely do anything, I mean . . . we barely do anything. There’s some dicing. That’s about it. The rest is a nestle/sprinkle/bake situation that will have you teary by the end of this post. And listen, I made the crusty bread because I’m working […]

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