I have a few questions for you today. This is some serious stuff too. So sit down.
You’re actually probably already sitting down, I realize, unless you’re in line at the DMV reading this on your phone, which in that case, ew. But if you’re in line at the post office with a bunch of Christmas gifts to ship off, well then look at you go. *fist bump* *and then the little hand explosion part*
1) On a scale from 1 to 10, how much does Christmas stress you out? The shopping, the traveling, the art of wrapping gifts so that it doesn’t look like a snaggle-toothed dragon was in charge. Not that I have anxiety issues or anything! Oh good grief no! A . . . friend wants to know.
2) She also wants to know if there’s a good anxiety medicine she should know about. Or a certain brand of really strong wine.
3) If I’m going to start watching Parenthood, should I start from the very beginning? A very good place to start? When you read you begin with ABC. When you sing you begin with DO RE MI. (name that movie)
4) On a scale from 1 to 10, how impressed are you with toe wrestling? Another friend wants to know.
5) And lastly, if you don’t care about any of the above and just want to put on some floaties and wade around in this bowl of sriracha chicken pozole, I get it. I’ll see you there. But let’s not skinny dip because that could get uncomfortable reaaaaaal quick ya know what I’m saying?! I’ll stop talking. Here’s the recipe.
6) But really, about that wine . . .
7) And Parenthood . . .
8) And the movie . . .
9) And the wrestling thing . . .
10) I don’t have anything else to say. I just feel way off kilter ending on 9.
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