And the ricotta is cracked! Like, for Halloween. I planned that. I planned the . . . cracking. I knew that would happen. No, I did.

But aren’t they cute? Cracking aside, you’re going to obsess over the flavor because I don’t know if you heard, but we put lemon in that ricotta and it’s criminal. And the sage – well, there’s a story. (of course there is) And you can do this two ways. Because nothing is perfect. But it’s all good. And we’re learning. And we’re friends. And we show grace.
. . . Hello?
Let us peepeth.

Veeeeera simple. Except I forgot to photograph the honey! Have some honey for the end, honey.
That puff pastry is store-bought, and thawed. I know you can get into it.
The sage is from my garden, but if you’re not growing it, you’ll see little containers of it at the store. Which I know you know, I just like talking. How are ya?!
The ricotta is whole milk and the best decision of this year so far.

So, you’ll cut the pastry into nine even squares, right on the perforation, so it’s no big thing. You can use a knife or a pizza cutter, which is what I used! Not sure why that detail is important to me, but you do know who I am, right?
OH – squeeze half the lemon into the ricotta cheese and WATCH your life turn around. Taste that. Yes, sit down and taste it again. Ridiculous. It’s insane. Makes me want just a single-serve lasagna with nothing but ricotta and tomatoes and mozz. Maybe I’ll make that for you in here. Would you want that?
Stay focused, Bev.

So this is where things took a turn. In my head, I’d envisioned the sage crisping up and getting gorgeously glossy in the baking. But instead, once cooked, they shriveled up into tiny gray pissed-off brittle snails on a sidewalk.
(also, run an egg wash around the edges of the pastry like we do.)

This is still pre-baking. I’m just giving you an idea of what could have been. Thing is, in the back of my mind I had a feeling they’d look super gross. Yet I went ahead with it anyway. I suppose you could crisp these in a pan with some butter. That’s what other food bloggers would have done.
It’s okay. Instead we’ll improvise and uh, garnish!

And there we are. So lovely. Especially with the heavy drizzle of honey, laaaaawd. It’s GOOD. The cracked ricotta is still creamy and tangy with the lemon undertones. And the honey is sweet and sticky on top of the puffed pastry. And the sage gives it an earthy finish! If you like fresh sage, this is your dream. If you prefer the sage mellowed by some cooking, give them a quick pan sear in some buttah, bay-buh.
Remember the grace thing we talked about?
This is when you dole it out.
Little more, I can’t feel it.
There we go.
Halloween party, fall get-together, it works for anytime!
Get on and in this as soon as you possibly can.

My gosh.
- 1 sheet puff pastry, thawed
- 1 cup ricotta cheese (I used full fat and it was glorious)
- 1 Tbs. fresh lemon juice
- 1 egg, lightly beaten
- 1 bunch fresh sage leaves (like around 15)
- Honey, to drizzle
- Preheat your oven to 400.
- Cut the thawed puff pastry sheet into nine equal squares, right on the perforation.
- In a small bowl, whisk together the lemon juice into the ricotta cheese. Place a heaping Tbs. of lemon ricotta on each pastry square. Brush the egg wash around the edges of the pastry. Bake roughly 15 minutes, or until the pastry has puffed and is golden brown.
- Garnish with fresh sage leaves (don’t do what I show in the photos!, but you’ll see that above.), and a good drizzle of honey on top.
- Serve immediately!
- Makes nine pastry squares.

I SWEAR I knew they’d crack like that. I uh . . . totally did.
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