Another summer, another song!
You know our summer family tradition of traveling to Little Rock, Arkansas, where my parents live, along with my sister Barbara and her husband Dustin, and their girls Breckon and Leighton. I know you know this! I’m just telling you again. Want me to say all that one more time?
Just kidding.

Well we have another song for you. And I cannot stop listening. (the kids want to murder us at this point) We always try and keep it a surprise but my dang sister leaked it in my Stories so you already know. It’s Bruce Hornsby’s hit from 1986 – The Way It Is! Remember that song? Some of you will. Some of you definitely will not, ya puppies.
Here’s the original video for reference.
Our take – very slowed down. Very vibed out. Aaron as the lead with Barbara and myself in the harmonies. I’m all the aaaaaahs. (<–critical info) We made it a waltz! Dustin, as always, is the true wizard here with all the instruments (besides Aaron’s acoustic and lead War on Drugsy guitar solo at the end), along with the mixing and tinkering. We stayed up late into the night(s) and cranked this out over a 48-hour time period. And I truly could not be more obsessed.
I give you, our take on The Way It Is. (slap those headphones on, okay?)
If you need more of Nightlight Sessions (our pretend band, ha!) you can find us on Spotify!
Or if you want the songs singularly, we have R.E.M.’s The One I Love.
The Cranberries’ Linger.
And a stripped down version of The Hills Are Alive.
(YES, we recorded last year but it is yet to be done. Stay tuned. I’ll put the pressure on!)
(also also, I’ll keep you posted on when this lands on Spotify if you’d like to revisit it again!)
(that’s it! bye.)
(hope you love it.)
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