Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrack! I mean back! Flotsam’s back. I took last Friday off for the Girl Scouts campout. You didn’t notice? Oh. Never mind.

Last week we had lice.
And I’m not 100% we’re lice free. I don’t think I ever will be. My friend Mindy went over my head two nights ago, so we’re feeling good about my situation. Aaron and Will are all good. I keep combing out teeeeeny little things about of Nat’s thick hair though. Even after the 15,000 treatments we’ve all done. And I’ll keep going and combing until they’re all out. I feel like what I’m pulling out at this point are dead leftovers lice ghosts. (you’re welcome) No live bugs though. None of that anymore. We just have to keep those teeny dead leftover lice ghosts from coming back to life and morphing into bigger bugs or I’ll never be able to relax again.
Have you ever had lice? Or have your kids? How many years did it take for you to be like, “Okay we got this under control.”
Anyway just wanted to start this blog post in the most horrific way possible.
Are you itchy yet? Because you will be.
Go check your kids’ heads.
And yours.

In more settling news, I’m irrevocably obsessed with my Garmin watch. (which isn’t in this photo but I didn’t plan on talking about until lit-rally this very second.)
I love it! It does so much!
And for those of you looking at me scratching your head (see? you’re scratching) like, “You didn’t realize what a smart watch actually does, Bev?” No. No I did not. You know I’m a grandma in a visor with these things.
I bought the watch to track my runs. That’s why I got it. To count steps, track mileage and keep me running longer and farther. I had ZERO idea it would track my stress, my sleep, my cycle, my fluid intake. It’s so fascinating! I even joined four June running challenges within the app (look at me!) and to watch that little bar creep over as I log these miles is so satisfying I cannot even tell you. Last night my friend Ashlee was like, “But you’ve always been into challenges like this. It’s just that you can now SEE IT.”
She’s so right. I normally just add up the miles in my head. It’s a different game looking at the progress logged on an app. And yes you are correct, the nerdery is unhinged over here.
I’ll tell you what doesn’t track though and that is lice. It does not do that.
This is the exact watch I have. (mega on sale) It looks good on, too. Very stylish with any clothing.
(Is that an itch on your head?)

I’m about 120 into The Husband’s Secret and I AM DYING. This book is exactly what I need right now. I wouldn’t even say it’s a summer book. It’s just juicy. Webby. Lots of drama about to unfold and dynamics brewing and it’s about to get insane. I can just tell.
Last night Ash and I crafted a skeleton summer reading list, so I’ll fill you in on that.
Right now. We’ll do this right now.
On my night stand I have The House in the Cerulean Sea.
Next week I plan to get an old Elin goody – Summerland. I also want to get Mad Honey after the zillions of recs from you all. Also very interested in Pineapple Street. Have you read it? I’m seeing it everywhere. We need this to happen. The Whispers sounds really really good too. And let’s add another Sarah Addison Allen! Which one should we read next? Oh! Also Happy Place. Let’s do that.
What else? What are you reading this summer? Tell me everything.

Also tell me what you want to see on the blog this summer.
Less food? Same amount of food?
More garden-y things?
More lifestyle things?
Less lifestyle things?
More RUNNING things? (whoa I felt the no real quick there.)
Tell me. I need your juicy feedback.

Weekend plans?
I’m hitting up an estate sale this morning and the pool with the kids this afternoon. That is IT for today. Chicken is going in the crockpot for easy burritos tonight. Mindy and I are joining a running group EARLY in the morning for a longer run (10K), so watch out for all the nerdy running content in Stories! I’ll be gentle.
From this weeeeeek! We have some Gruyere and Herb Puff Pastry Twists for your next party or snack. And a fun video. Simple and seriously delish. And then Will and Nat’s new rooms! All the updates. All the links. Here’s a video on that. And another one because I cannot stop.
You’re super itchy right now, aren’t you?
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