It’s fancy! But not. Sort of. Not really. Never mind.

I hardly ever make meals like this. A protein, a starch, a veg. It’s so old-school, and I love the idea of it. I just never make it happen.
We’re making something delicious. It’s a wine sauce over seared pork chops with broccoli and creaaaamy polenta.
Let us peepeth.
(no applesauce was harmed in the making of this post.)

I didn’t have time for all the arrows and ingredient names today. We’ll live.
It’s pretty straight forward, but there are steps. First up we’ll get everything minced and chopped. You’ll see it in the reel!

I felt like including a moodier photo of the ingredients. Sue me.
I feel great today! Why do you ask?

The chawps – we’ll season well on both sides with salt and pepper, and into a pan they go for five minutes per side. Pretty dern simple. It’s a medium-high heat for that good browning all over.

Next up we’ll sauté some broccoli. You can buy this bagged or chop up a head of broccoli into florets. Either way works. I went bagged. Ha! It’s okay.

Now for the star of this meal – the sauce! It’s garlicky. It’s herby. It’s very winey. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Horrible photo but it makes me giggle. That’s the wine being stirred in. You followed.
If you need to make a little cornstarch slurry for the wine to thicken it, make it happen. I did and it was perfection.

So here’s the pork with the wine sauce over it. You can serve it like that, or you can slice it beforehand. I’m just into showing you options today, okay?

Polenta! Make it. Milk + water + polenta + butter + sugar + salt. It’s my very favorite.

Hellooooooo, gorgeous. She’s creamy and luscious and that wine sauce will slay.
And you know what, sub chicken if you’re not into pork! I was just changing it up. Steak is divine, too.
Even IF you just make the polenta and veggies with a really good pan sauce loaded with and herbs and wine, you’re doing it right.

Look at us go.
- 2 large bone-in pork chops
- 2 Tbs. Extra virgin olive oil
- 4 cloves garlic, minced
- 1/2 cup loose parsley, finely minced
- 10 mint leaves, finely minced
- 4 Tbs. Butter
- 1 lemon
- 1 cup dry white wine
- 1 Tbs. Cornstarch + 2 Tbs water for a thickening slurry if needed
- 2 cups broccoli florets
- 1 cup polenta
- 2 cups milk
- 1 cup water
- 2 Tbs. Butter
- 1/4 cup parmesan
- Salt and pepper
- Season the pork chops on both sides with a good pinch of salt and pepper. Heat the oil in a wide skillet and sear the chops in the skillet for five minutes per side. You want it nice and golden brown all over. Set the pork to the side to rest.
- Back in the skillet, cook the broccoli until just tender, about three minutes. Add a splash of water to the skillet to speed up the cooking. Season with a pinch of salt. Remove the broccoli from the pan and let’s get the sauce going.
- To the skillet, add the butter over a medium heat. Add the garlic to the melted foaming butter and let it bloom and sauté about a minute. Add the minced herbs and a pinch of salt. Let this go just a few seconds, then pour in the wine. Let it bubble and simmer for a minute or two. We want it to thicken up just a tad, so make a cornstarch and water slurry and pour just a tiny bit in. Keep adding and whisking until you get that perfect consistency. Add the juice from half the lemon and stir that in.
- In the meantime, pour the two cups of milk and one cup of water into a medium saucepan. Add the ground polenta over a medium heat and let it slowly thicken. Season well with a pinch of salt. Keep stirring until it’s perfectly creamy, about five minutes. Off the heat stir in the butter and parmesan cheese. Taste it. Need more salt? Add a little pinch.
- Serve the creamy polenta in shallow bowls topped with sliced pork chop, the sautéed broccoli and a good drizzle of the wine sauce. Look at you!
- Serves four.

This week! I dare ya.
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