
I’ve decided I cannot handle mirrored sunglasses.
Not on me, not on you, not on anyone. They’re so stressful!
Listen, a little bit of reflection is okay, but have you really stopped and thought about the way you feel when you’re in a conversation with someone wearing sunglasses that have a piercingly yellow mirror on them? All you see is yourself. And a warped version, at that. Here you are, trying to focus on a discussion about potent garden fertilizer or the best straight leg jean or what you know who said you know where about you know what. And you can’t! All you see is your own rotting corpse looking back at you. Horrific.
Let’s start a petition, no more mirrored sunglasses! Unless you’re willing to pay for Self Esteem Camp!
I feel great today, why do you ask?

The other day I was thinking about the names of generations. The Great, the Silent (let’s come back to this), Baby Boomers, Gen X (me!), Millennials and Gen Z. And I was thinking very out loud to no one, “Wait, what comes after Z. Do we start over? Or do we start naming the generations like hurricanes?” And Aaron came out of another room and said, “Who are you talking to?”
Me, “Anyone who will listen.”
Do we start over? How do we know what the specific ages are for the next one? Like what is Will and Nat’s generation? What’s it called? Generation Turds? jkjkjkjk. i think.
So I looked it up – WE START OVER! I was right! Generation ALPHA. The ages for this group are 2013-2025. So you have two years left to get those babies born in this generation for all your alpha puns, you guys. Hop to it. And the one after that will be Generation Beta. Which of course, that makes sense.
But I’m like, what will be after that? Generation Charlie? Generation Carl? Generation Coop? I’m in for any of that.
Also, the Silent Generation? What does that even mean? The years are 1925-1945. I’m guessing it has something with the war? Tell me more.

Back to straight leg jeans – have you tried these from Zara? How do they fit? They look great but I want to hear from it someone who owns them.
Also yes, all these photos are leftovers from our day at Jerusalem. Just some little snippets that I find charming. No major story to go with them, just moments.
The jeans – do we need?

I’ve been thinking about making thrifting reels. Estate sale reels. Is that something you’d be interested in, or does it just add to the noise? I feel like people have a love/hate relationship with reels, and I want to do it right. I love lifestyle reels, so I may just do it. And thrifting has been a passion of mine for over 25 years, so why not bring that love into this space?
Tell me, in YOUR opinion, does it feel trendy or something that you’d get inspo from? There’s a fine line here, and I know (all too well) that it can tip in either direction. So let’s hear it from the readers! (<–said like a TV show host.)

Weekend plans?
It’s (MTV Cancun 1994) spring break! I think I’d like to just sit around like these men with those hookah thingies. They have the right idea. And a not a single pair of mirrored sunglasses in sight.
We’re not doing much, which is so nice. A sleepover, some garden bed cleaning, finishing taxes (major groan), some basketball watching, a plant store visit, a hair appointment, a teeth appointment, a Taylor Swift laser show with friends, lots of reading, maybe some estate sale hunting, some down time. <–Haha! I have a new rug for the back patio! Gonna get that in place later today and start the Great Romantic Garden Visualizing in my head. Hey, it soothes the psyche, bruh.
From this week:: Part ONE of my Trip to Israel! I’d love for you to read it, if you haven’t. It’s really something else. And a simple weeknight wonder – Rigatoni with Roasted Tomatoes, Bacon and Arugula! Divine.
Tell me your spring break plans! Do you go big or stay chill? I need these details to thrive in this world.
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