
So, okay. (<–name that movie.)
I’m heading out in a little over a week on an ENORMOUS work trip. I’ve talked about this a bit in Stories (obnoxiously teased is more like it), and I’m ready to tell you where I’m going! (only because the flights are booked and it’s officially official.)
I’m meeting seven other food bloggers iiiiiin . . . ISRAEL! Tel Aviv specifically, for a week. A full week. We’ll travel to the colorful markets of Jerusalem, go into the homes of Israeli women to learn their culture, their cooking, their stories. Travel to towns in North Israel rich with history. Eat in restaurants I never could have dreamed of. I cannot wait. CANNOT wait.
But we have to get me over there non-grumpily with your travel tips. It’s a l-o-o-o-n-g flight. And it’s been years since I’ve traveled overseas, so I’ve forgotten what the feeling is. Halp!
Aaron has a neck pillow, but it’s old and feels very stiff. Are they supposed to be stiff? I guess so, to keep your head up. What about a book light? Is using the little overhead light considered rude on a bajillion hour flight? Eye mask of course. I have plenty of those. Books, duh. On that. Soft stretchy pants for ease. What am I not thinking of?
Give me your flight travel tips!
Israel! I’ll take you with me, of course. We leave on Valentine’s Day. Pony (camel?) up.

Why do back itches travel? (changing gears BIG time. keep up.)
I’ve never met an itch more indecisive. It got its job done, why the need to move to a new area and start completely over? Is it bored? Does it have something to prove? And why only on backs? You never scratch an itch on your knee and it’s like, “Guess again, suckaaaa!” It’s only on your back. Only the back.
I’m fully aware it has to do with nerve endings and math and the moon cycle. Clearly. But why? Why does the itch zippidy zip around this way and that way on your back? And only on your back?
Look, it’s always very satisfying to scratch, I’m not complaining. Just challenging its motive.
I said back a lot just now.

Do you use the word folks? My friend Sarah says the word folks a lot, and it got me wondering if you use it. And how you use it? Is it a southern thing?
Like, when I refer to my parents, I call them parents. But some people say folks. And then some people say folks to refer to people in general. And some folks just say people. And some folks just say folks. And some parents say folks when they mean other parents. And some folks say parents when they mean other folks. And some people say people and mean folks. And some folks say folks and mean folks.

(I’m ready for spring.)

Weekend plans?
It’s Variety Show day! I swear to you I’ll stop talking about it after tonight. But this is a massive undertaking at school, and my friends Anna, Mindy and I are completely taking over the entire operation next year, so our heads are swimming. To put it lightly. We have 49 acts and this all happens in UNDER AN HOUR. It is like fire-hydrant-in-your-face fast. We’ll be fine. We’ll be fine! I’ll report back after tonight’s performance when my head has exploded and fallen off. I’ll say this now, next year it won’t be called Variety Show. We’re renaming it the Belinder Shit Show. (sorry, mom.)
From this week! Slow Cooker Peanut Chicken Tacos. Shortcut CITY. And so much crunch, you’ll vow to add these to your regular rotation. And then your Taylor Swift running playlist! Please let me when you try it out and what you think. I’m falling apart to know.
Okay, I know you’re oozing with flight travel tips. Guide me!
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