FRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrr. r r r r r r r r r aaa-hah.

You know when you get an Amber Alert on your phone, and it’s that jarring alarm buzzing sound that rips you from whatever current reverie you were nesting in? And you attempt to grab your phone, knocking over 17 water glasses, 37 books, and 44 lamps in the process.
Okay, WHERE does the alert go? Because anytime I get an Amber Alert, in my screeching panic mode of trying to figure out what that sound is, I hit the screen on my phone, only to see the first few words of the message in all caps backed in a bright orange completely VANISH. It goes away. And I haven’t even read the message yet! I know zero details of the alert because now I’m sweating and trying to calm down my psyche and figure out what just happened and did that lamp actually break. When I finally do settle myself and try to find the details of the message, it’s no where on my phone.
Where does it go? Do you know where the messages go? I can’t be on the lookout if I have no idea what I’m looking for. WHERE do these messages go??
Have you found them? Report back, please.
Thank you.

Here’s something else I think about:
Bloody Mary. Remember when we were kids and we were told (not by our parents, but by our lunatic friends) that if we looked in the mirror at night and said the words Bloody Mary THREE TIMES, she’d break through the glass and murder us all?
I still believe it. I really do. If I have to pee in the night, I turn on 18 lights and avoid the mirror with all the strength I have in my soul. And while I wash my hands I hum like, The Little Mermaid. I will not get eaten by that bish. No way. Not today.
Here’s my question though. Has anyone ever tried it? Have you tried it? Have you uttered those two words, three times in a row into a mirror? And did she appear? What was she wearing? Did she look cute? Ugh. No.
We’re definitely not going to talk about a OUIJA board. (<–100% had to google that spelling)
Have you ever played with one? We were never allowed but that’s okay because I would have peed out my entire face if I’d tried.

Okay, I’m working on a March mixtape that’s all Jane Austen movie vibes. (don’t worry, the Swift running playlist cometh in Feb.) But I’m curious about all you Austen lovers. Which movie of hers is your fave? (not fav) (books are a different subject, we’re talking only movies right now.)
Are you a die-hard Pride and Prejudice fan? And if so, are you team Firth/Ehle? Or will you stand by Knightley/Macfayden until you die?
I love Clueless! Does that count?
Which one’s the best in your opinion? Emma, P&P, or Sense and Sensibility? Or Persuasion? I do remember loving Gwyneth as Emma way back when. (But I prefer Alicia Silverstone as Cher even more. Don’t tell anyone I told you.)
Tell me your favorites! And why.
Thank you.
(did you find the alerts?)

Did you guys hear about That ’90s Show? Same set, Kitty and Red, a few familiar faces all grown up. What are your thoughts? I can’t decide because I’m too worried about saying Bloody Mary three times in the mirror.

Weekend plans?
I have a fun coffee date this morning to plan a chic Frenchy spring event with you all locals. More to come on that! A cozy night in tonight with a book, an early bball game tomorrow, a 3rd grade ice-skating bday party in the afternoon, and an evening out with a couple of Arkansas besties. (I’ll show you the bar we’re going to. It’s insane.) I’m also tracking a little snow this weekend. You know how I get when I track the weather. UNHINGED would be the word.
From this weeeeek: Crispy Chicken with Curly Pasta and Fresh Tomatoes! A winner. Every single time. And Rice and Bean Enchiladas. A throw-together situation for vegetarian night! Completely delicious.
So did you find the alerts?
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