FFFFFFFFFFFFFFr eeeee delelelelele!

It’s Will and Natalie’s birthday! NINE.
How this happened is beyond me. Besides the whole time continuum thing. It’s so surreal. To see their faces and bodies start to change every so slightly. Taller. Lankier. The bigger teeth filling the awkward gaps in their mouths. Less cheek. More jaw definition. More everything definition. I want definition! Where did mine go! Time is rude.
The house is quiet right now. I have a single pale pink candle flickering next to me as I type this. A huge gold 9 balloon dangles above me from the dining room pendant. White balloons are scattered all over the floor. There’s a gold shimmery curtain in the hallway. French toast for breakfast. Fuzzy slippers as their before-school present.
It’s funny, so far we’ve raised our kids to value the treasure of COZY. Blankets and slippers as gifts. All things snuggly. Well, that and a Nintendo Switch.
What I’m trying to say is that after tonight’s Hot Cocoa Happy Hour party (you know how I do), my new year nesting mode officiaaaaaaaally starts. I can’t quite settle in until this is behind me.
In a good way! We’re fine!
hold me. (and my jowls)

Also I’ve decided to leave my citrus garlands hanging in the windows for a bit this winter. They give me such joy, and they don’t necessarily scream CHRIIIIIIIIIIIZMMAMAMAAASSSSSSS, ya know?
Do they? Do you leave yours up? Maybe I’ll get through January and think of something festive for February! Or maybe I’ll just leave them up all the way through February and take them down in March. Or maybe I’ll leave them up halfway through March, and once my taxes are complete and March MADNESS starts, I’ll take them down. Maybe I’ll do that.
Maybe I just need a taco.
Thank you for your support.

Does anyone remember losing their back teeth?
I don’t remember losing mine. I know kids lose them, but why don’t we remember? Perhaps because it’s so disgustingly traumatic we block the memory? No one remembers!
Try and tell me if you remember all your nasty molars falling out. You can’t. cannot.
These are the things I’m thinking about in the new year.

I know we’re all book obsessed, but are there any movies or TV shows you’re dying to watch this year?
Oh! I never finished White Lotus. I watched three more episodes, and then our rotating door of holiday guests swarmed in and never ceased. I need to go finish! Thanks for the reminder.
White Lotus and what else? Something fun or dramatic or scandalous! (yes I say those words all the time)
OH – Daisy Jones and the Six – this . . . March? Is it this March? THAT I will be falling apart over. Cannot wait.
What other books have turned into a series or movies that I need to know about? I want to say Elin Hilderbrand has something in the works, right? She’s had multiple things in the works for a decade, but isn’t something like, really really about to happen? Tell me!
Tell me what to watch! (<–coffee’s kicked in.)

Weekend plans?
I have a house to get ready for the party tonight. It’s going to be 49 today, so I’m thinking the kids can take their hot chocolates out back and sit in front of our chimenea on cozy blankets. Or play Nintendo downstairs. I basically need to apologize to all the parents coming for just how much sugar I’m giving their kids right before dinner. S . . . sorry?
From this week! MUSIC. Your playlist. You have to get in that. It’s my favorite of the whole year so far. And BOOKS. My reads from 2022, and your input in the comments! I have a very busy book year ahead of me, is what I’m hearing.
Also, Kansas City, you saw THIS, right? My mom friends booked a table in Feb. I’m about to fall apart.
Tell me your new year goals!
Kids are up!
I’ll show you the party setup later!
See ya!
I can chill.
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