
We’re getting so close with this renovation. One week left. And I (think?) I mean it! We’re two weeks and a day in, with sixish days to go. It’s so dusty. It’s such chaos. It’s such a mess. Nothing is where it’s supposed to be. The bottoms of our feet and shoes are coated with sheet rock dust and dried drywall mud. Planks of extra sheet rock and trim are leaned against all the walls. The kitchen door is blocked off. There’s a huge shopvac in my view 88% of the time. A few plants are suffering in their temporary lower-lit spots. (I should probably rearrange today.) It smells like a construction site. I’M SO EXCITED!
I’m staying chill. You just have to. The Tooth Fairy has come twice during this ordeal and she can’t handle anymore losses. We’re so ready to get back into a school and work rhythm I can barely sit still. I need to shave my legs.
All to say, we’re getting super close on this renovation and I have a glossy colossal fiddle fig to plop in a high corner. (oh, just you wait.)
Also we’re starting a band called Glossy Colossal.

Let’s play a round of UNPOPULAR OPINIONS. I’ll start.
I’ll never be into newborn skin-on-skin photos. With the dad. Show me the propped-up, bare-armed, tired-eyed, love-stricken moms all day long, but I’m a hard pass on the dad photos. Nope.
Also, grapefruit juice. What on earth. It’s pretty, yes. But it’s a bitter, gland-grabbing glass of nonsense and I’ll just stick to water. (however, actual grapefruit reminds me of my grandmother and how she’d make me and my sister eat a half grapefruit when we were kids visiting her house in south Arkansas. She had these tiny grapefruit spoons, like specific narrow spoons just for grapefruit, and I was more enraptured with those than the actual grapefruit. The prop. Of course.)
Lastly, anywho. I think I’ve told you this before. I’m sure I have. The word anywho MAKES.ME.MANIACAL. What makes a mouth physically form and place the word who in the place of way? I’ll never wrap my head around it.
Your turn.

Okay, I just blew my nose and the sounds that it made in my head sounded exactly like, and I kid you not, my sound machine. Like when you turn the machine on and for some reason it’s not on the setting you had it on the night before. A too-loud or too-brash white noise, so you change the settings and it goes through this selection of various white noises, some aggressive and some more oceany. THAT WAS MY NOSE JUST NOW and I’m laughing harder than I have in a while. That’s it.
Thanks for being there for me.

Weekend plans?
We’re hitting the pool today (MAYBE for the last time?), have an outdoor goodbye pickleball farewell party for my friend Trisha and her fam tomorrow (waaaah. but also: i get her fiddle fig!), Aaron may smoke some pig wings (yes, pig wings) on Sunday, and I’m gonna finish That Summer and start our new round. I’ll post that update in Stories!
From this week, in case you missed it::: Your August mixtape! All choral music. But like, good choral. Trust me. I love that so many of you have written and are so in awe. Makes my freaking day. And also, the Ploughman’s Lunch! It’s so fun, so simple, super cute and just make your summer about it, okay?
Okay, when do your kids go back to school? And just how ready are you for it?
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