It’s May! And I’ve got the most cheerful mixtape for you.

Not cheerful like hokey. Cheerful as in, feel good. Upbeat. Bob-your-head music. Because man, the blooms are fragrant, the markets are open and the wine is chilled. It is May.
I suppose not all of these songs are what one would call “cheerful”. There’s a tiny splash of, “Ohhhhh I used to love this soooooong,” and you’ll put your hand to your chest, throw your head back and close your eyes. But I want you to come tell me which one that is for you. I know which one it is for me. Otherwise, it’s pretty dern cheerful!
Most of it.
There is one song on here that while the music itself is upbeat, the lyrics and her vocals border on that uncomfortable, dreaded realization that heartbreak is right around the corner. But the song is also pretty dreamy so I’m counting it as cheerful. It’s all cheerful!
Well, almost all of it.
The very last song has this ethereal, buried haunted nature to it, and while it’s complete mainstream, I can’t help but love it.
Other than that, it’s totally cheerful! I think.
Without holding you hostage for one more moment, I give you, the “Market Blossoms and Loose Cotton” mix. Get in that, now.
We like cheerful, right? …right?
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