March! Spring! Green! Buds!
I mean, March is a total bia tease, but I’ll take the baby steps with open torso.

So, this mixtape: this is what I imagine for your life:: listen up closely::: hold on let me refill my coffee:::: give me two seconds because I have to froth my milk::::: you know I’m high maintenance but I think I’m low maintenance:::::: name that movie:::::::
What we have here is a mostly upbeat, somewhat loungy, a bit Frenchy, a tad oldies, bona fide mood booster. It’s soul soothing, without shoving CHIPPER down your throat. Look, spring is in 18 days and we have to get our psyches ready. Which means some outdoor lounging. Watching the grass green up. Keeping an eye out for budding tulips and daffodils. Obsessively planning gardens and visualizing patio style. We’ve got work to do. And this is the mixtape that’s gonna get us there.
All older music, lots of swank, no b.s. You know I’ve got you.
Without keeping you another millinano, I give you – The “Bursting Sprouts and Patio Lounge” mix.
Really, I’m gonna need you to name that movie.
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