So we all picked up on Taylor’s secret message in that long note she left on Instagram yesterday, right?
Dude you should have seen me the moment I saw that first rando capital letter in the middle of her first sentence. “This is a secret message, Aaron! I know she does this type of thing! Quick! Get me my trench coat, a microscope and a slightly burned scroll, I’m writing this down! Aaron! . . . Aaron?”
It’s a release date, we know that. But this is the thing. She mentioned getting those 26 Fearless songs to us soon. She said soon. Do you think she thinks April 9th is soon? In the grand scheme of life and refrigerator deliverings, I guess we could consider April 9th to be soon. That’s two months away. That’s not SOON, Tay.
But I feel like April 9th is something different. Perhaps it’s the trilogy album to Folklore and Evermore? Or maybe that was a conspiracy theory that was bunked a while back, I can’t remember.
(yes I heard Love Story this morning. That’s one of her teenage songs, right? you can tell. I don’t hate it, but you can definitely tell.)
Maybe April 9th is the Long Pond sessions of Evermore. WHAT IS APRIL NINTH, SWERFT?
These are the things I think about at night and all the time.

Okay, tell me how The Four Winds is!
It’s Kristin Hannah’s newest, as you all know, and I’m dying to get a review from someone who’s read it. It’s on my next round of books, and GoodReads is falling apart in awe and devastation. Obviously. Is it AS GOOD as The Great Alone and The Nightingale?
I’m so excited.
Tell me what’s on your night stand, because I’m crafting March/April books and I want a good mix of new, semi-old, heartbreak, warm and fuzzy, and a little bit of murder. You know.

Remember in early 2020 how we were starting to plan for our big house remodel and then Corona hit and the world broke?
We’re starting to think about it again! Which is a huge honkin’ lie because the truth is I’ve been scouring Pinterest errr sangle day since then and dreaming of what it’s all going to look like someday.
I should say, we have our first meeting with a contractor next week! We’re dividing the project into two phases. (I know you don’t really care about this, but I’m dry on things to talk about so I’m telling you anyway.)
PHASE ONE is the living room. We’ll vault the ceiling and add a skylight. We’ll restain the hardwoods and get them back to a lovely natural color and polish. New windows in the front bathroom and in Will and Nat’s rooms. AND WHILE WE’RE AT IT, maybe a little vault in the foyer just so it opens up that space and allows for a boho chandelier. We both know that needs to happen.
But listen, if you have tips or suggestions on ceiling types (is that a thing?) I’ll take it. Like, solid vs. white wood. (I’m saying this all wrong, I know it.) I don’t want it to look like a barn, so no huge weird beams. I want it clean and cute. Like a sexy cottage. We’re starting a band called Sexy Cottage.
Speaking of windows, next week I’m showing you our new kitchen windows! And I’ll have a discount for you locals if you’re in the market to plan for new windows yourself. Can’t wait to show you.
I’ll definitely document the whole reno process, once it gets going, if you’re interested in that.
Wait, did you x out?

PHASE TWO (at some point) will be our bedroom extension. We’ll add 100 square feet by shoving our bedroom into the yard by ten feet. I want french doors to open up to a quaint little two-person back deck. And I’d love our half bath to become a full bath with an old clawfoot tub, hanging plants in a big window, a tiny Persian rug and Aesop products. Duh.
Subway tile for the walls, but I’d love fun tile for the bathroom floor. Something chic, but with personality. Got any ideas?
(No, I haven’t seen the Britney documentary, but I know about the movement. Where do you stand with that? I know that’s what you want to talk about.)
I’ll keep you posted on this phase, when we finally tackle it in 2087.
Oh! I have a question.

Whoa, we’re at the end already.
Weekend plans?
It’s going to be negative 8625 so we’re not leaving our solid stances in front of the crackling fireplace for five straight days. I’m going to roast a chicken and make a coconut custard pie from scratch (even the crust) for Valentine’s Day, so if you have any good recipes, send them my way! That was my question. It was about pie. The coconut custard pie.
From this week! In case ya missed it::: Strawberry and Almond Puff Pastry! The simplest and most stunning dessert for V-day, if ya dare. And a Slow-Roasted Tomato and Turkey Rigatoni! Sinfully delicious, and picture perfect for any winter night. You need both, obviously.
Tell me your Valentine’s plans!
(I’m ready for spring.)
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