
Before I even begin this post, I’d love to share a couple of thoughts.
You’re like, “wait I’m nervous.”
I’ll be completely honest – I’ve really struggled with how to navigate this week. Is reposting videos and graphics in Stories a total cop-out? Should I say more? Should I shut up? Do I just listen? Is just listening the wrong thing? What do I even say? It’s not going to be perfect. I’m not an activist by nature, so will I botch this? It’s not my style. Is this stress I’m feeling white privilege? Am I performing? I HAVE NO IDEA.
But then I saw this video with Twitch and Ellen talking about this very thing, and as I was sitting there nodding my head to him like, “YES, okay, YES. You’re saying what I’m feeling, Mr. Twitch!” He goes, “We don’t need perfect. We just need allies. We need people that care.”
BOOM. That is it. So simple. We need people that care.
And I care.
This week isn’t just a black square in my Instagram feed. It’s not enough for me to be not racist. I need to be an ally. This is something I’m excited to learn more about and support in my personal life. Behind the screen, and not for show. Conversations will happen in our home. And action will come from it. And that excites me.
So thank you for listening.
I’d also like to say something else.
. . . Guys I have the biggest crush on “Weird Al” Yankovic.

I know, I KNOW.
But I really do! And I feel like somewhere in my soul I always have.
A) He’s confident. B) He’s beyond intelligent. C) He’s hilarious. D) that HAIR.
You’re like, “please let there not be an E what nightmare am I LIVING RIGHT NOW.”
E) Of course there’s an E. He’s the master at parody.
F) He’s brilliant. The end.
In high school I got to the point where I preferred his version of Smells Like Nirvana over Nirvana’s Smells Like Teen Spirit.
In college I even briefly dated a guy who had the exact same hair as “Weird Al.” I feel like I might have dated him because of that.
I have a crush on the man. It’s true.
Just needed to get that off my chest, bye.

Also, are we still wiping down our groceries?
Because honestly I’m so over it.
You’re like, “wait we’re supposed to wipe down our groceries?”
Listen to this, my neighbor wipes down every single EGG. At least she did back in March. I feel like I read something recently that said it’s not necessary. Not just the eggs, but the groceries in general. Not that the eggs were even ever mentioned. I mean they might have been mentioned, but I never read anything about eggs. That’s just something she did. I never did because anytime I crack an egg I wash my hands right after. And I don’t want spray getting into my egg, yo. Did you wipe down your eggs?
I feel like I’m back in the fertility clinic right now. “Lie back, I’m now going to wipe down your eggs.”
Can we stop wiping down our groceries?

Have you ever heard of geocaching?
My family is now obsessed with geocaching. It’s like a nerdy treasure hunt, you guys.
You’re like, “Oh you’re one to talk about nerdy after that “Weird Al” confession.” Touche.
They’ll set out on bikes in the blazing sun to find tiny hidden boxes filled with clues all around the city. And it’s an APP. I guess the app is sort of like the treasure map? The compass? I dunno, it’s got major Goonies vibes, except with no pirates and less cursing.
Do you do this? Do you geocache? I stay home and search for missing socks and I’m fine with that.

Weekend plans?
It’s going to be 45 million degrees this weekend. It’s fine.
Oh – I’m starting Everything I Never Told You in a bit. And I think I might make you a fun Italian-style Tuna Salad thingy! Would you like that? …hello?
From this week, if ya missed it!: Some delicious underground Motown tunes for your June, and a simple but classic Broccoli Cheese Soup, inspired by one of our book reads!
Okay tell me what movie you’re watching tonight.
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