Hi, my name is Bev, and I’m maniacally obsessed with charcuterie boards.

It’s like, this magical mix of casual hodge podge eating. But thrown together on a board with everything in their own little place and a scattering of flowers? OH YOU FANCY.
This board though – it’s different. It’s spesh (<–sorry). It has a delightful sauce-y focus that other boards don’t necessarily think of. Because boards think.
But not just the traditional basil pesto, you guys. DeLallo (and I had no idea!) has a whole LINE OF PESTOS. As in, multiple flavors. And they’re so, so, so good. SO good. Aren’t you just thrilled over this new summer life development? Yes is the correct answer.

Now, I knoooow I’ve got some pesto lovers out there. I’ve been doing this blog thing for nearly a decade, AND I CAN SMELL YOU. So obviously we must discuss these different pesto flavors so that you can see the light, and then make your own pesto-heavy charcuterie board all summer long and invite me over! You dig?

Of course we all know that DeLallo is a fabulous Italian market specializing in imported, boutique-y items. But you can find their products really almost anywhere! And online, obviously. I’m just in love with the company. I wish I had a DeLallo market in my back yard.
The pestos. Of course they have your traditional basil (which when I served to my friends a few weeks ago at a little get-together, they all agreed it was some of the best basil pesto they’ve ever had. Obviously.). But DeLallo also has three other kinds that are just killer.
MY personal favorite – the Hot and Spicy Pepper Pesto, omg. It’s got that perfect zingy kick-in-the-face essence. Not too much! Just enough. But aside from that, the flavor is ridiculous. Like a red bell pepper graduated from the University of AWESOME.

There’s also the Sundried Tomato, Basil and Cheese flavor. Soooo much umami going on in this one. Smear it on bread with a slice of pepperoni and a creamy slab of havarti and dude.
And lastly, the Sundried Tomato and Olive Pesto! You might not have ever thought that chopped olives and sundried tomatoes in a SPREAD like this would work. But I’m here to tell you, it works. It beyond works. It like, way works. I even chased my bite with an actual olive, that’s how much I like to live on the edge.
Yes I need friends.

And this is the thing about a pesto board – besides the fact that
A GIANT TRAY OF SAUCES IS HAPPENING, but when you have a variety of flavors like these, it keeps your buds dancin’! And we all know how important it is for our taste buds to brush up on the Macerena.
Try them all! Mix and match. Try one flavor with a meat, then another with a bread, then another on a slice of cheese, then maybe just fill a canoe and shove them all into your face. Listen, no one’s here to judge.

I took the pestos over to a little hang the day after this^^, and the majority of my friends voted the hot and spicy to be their fave! NOT surprised, that mess is delicious. The kids tended to revisit the traditional basil over and over until their fingers turned into little green oily sticks of human. It’s fine. It’s summer. I’m fine.
Oh! And just a little side note on the squeezable basil pesto – um, it’s an absolute wonderment. I’ve been squirting it into mayo on my sandwiches and hello, perfection. I’ve also been slicing tomato and giving each slab a few squirts – heaven. So don’t overlook the squeezable! It’s pretty pimp.

You can buy them all here, if you can’t find them in your local stores. On TOP of that, DeLallo is selling this exact board above if you want what I’ve curated. Isn’t that the coolest? And please, do let me know if you have a pesto party because I just feel like it’s the new revolution of humanity! (my fist is in the air right now.)
(This post is definitely in partnership with DeLallo. But all ramblings and pesto inhalings are totally my own. We coo?)
10 Responses to Pesto Boards = Summer Eating Forever.