No spoilers, promzee! I’ll speak in CODE.
Just kidding.
But I swear I won’t give anything away.
Now, I’ve never been particularly DRAWN to Joel. He’s okay. A complete doo-doo face for what he did to Midge early on. But I know he’s in pain, and he’s trying, and he’s suffering. Right, got it. Still, not necessarily IN LOVE with Joel.
But . . . the way he grabbed her arm at the veeeeeery end of the season?
JOEL. Look at you! And I swear that gives zero away. You have no idea WHY he grabs her arm. And in what manner. And what lead up to it. (unless you watched it and if you did tell me you agree!!)
What do we think of Benjamin, by the way. TALL, very handsome, intelligent, a bill dull though, right? I’m just saying, for someone interested in WEIRD, he’s quite vanilla himself. (How many followers did I lose just now?)
I was actually halfway pulling for Midge and LENNY BRUCE. I thought maaaaybe there would be a spark between them at the bar when Midge was consoling him, and wanting to be supportive of his show nerves. But. Alas. Nothing. Meh.
What do you think will happen in Season Three?! I mean, how can they top PARIS AND THE CATSKILLS? They can’t. They cannot.
(what should I watch next?!)

MOMS OF SMALL SPAWN: Or any spawn of the age five or older.
How do I know when it’s time to get those booster seat things for the car? I have one more round of seats, right? Does it all depend on their weight? Size? Height? Leg length? If they’re in Kindergarden yet? (they should start a dating app called TINDERGARDEN. hahahahha. maybe not.) The texture of their hair? The moon cycle? If they’ve had pizza for lunch?
I ask because the seats they’re in now are a complete pain in my face to buckle. But I don’t want to jump the gun on new ones if it’s too early in their blooming, fragile lives.
I know I could ask Google, but you’re cuter.

Speaking of five year olds. (dudes be like PASS.)
Moms – so like, when did you start OFFICIAL chores for your kids? Like with a chart and a clipboard and a pencil in your mouth.
And ALLOWANCES. Have you started that yet?
Because as of now, their only REAL chores are to pick up their rooms daily (simply so that I can get all Miss Hannigan on them, “This room better shiiiiiiiine like the top of the Chrysler building!” ) and take their plates to the sink once they’ve asked to be excused from the table. (“And we’re not having hot mush today. We’re having cold mush.”)
Like, when can I ask them to mow, do the laundry, paint the music room, pick up dry cleaning, run by the bank, and make mommy a taco.
Really though, I’d love to know how you guys implement little chores to your gremlins, and at what age, and how much, and did you pay them, and did they make you a taco and was it crunchy or soft.

Who do you think would win in a fight?
Meg Ryan vs. Drew Barrymore
Jennifer Aniston vs. Courtney Cox
Michelle Pfeiffer vs. Julia Roberts
These are the things I think about at night and all the time.
(And while you’re at it, tell me your favorite movies by all the gals above! Most adored Meg movie. Fave Julia flick. Best of Drew. Michelle at her finest. Jenn being Jenn. I call her Jenn. Courtney – wait, did she do anything else besides Scream? Tell me!)

Weekend plans?
Check out my very first water color! That’s not a spider to the left, by the way. Or dog hair. Or mini alien tentacles. I think.
There are SO MANY problems with it, but it’s my very, very first attempt, and I kind of love it! I’m gonna frame it and hang it on the ceiling above Aaron’s side of the bed, just to remind him daily and nightly of the immensely talented, crafted woman he married so many moons ago.
Just kidding.
So it’s going to snow today! HAVE YOU MISSED MY WEATHER REPORTS? You don’t have to answer that. It all starts with rain this morning, and then changes to snow mid afternoon, and it looks like five inches by the time tomorrow ends! We’ll see.
Aaron and I are going to have a date morning at a favorite coffee shop downtown, and then heading to an old beloved antique store to look for vintage glass doorknobs. Because you know my mission to turn my home into a Parisian cottage. It’s happening.
Also, I have to check Twitter every hour to see if I’m being summoned for freaking jury duty Monday morning at EIGHT A.M.
This is super long.
Bye bye.
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