Ooooooooo this mix! This MIX, you gais.

It’s joy. It’s just a little bucket of soothing joy. Like a soul balm. Some of it will feel nostalgic to you. (well, a lot.) Some of it will make you close your eyes and throw your head back. Some of it you’ve forgotten about, or realized you really loved but didn’t know it. Some of it you’ll be like, “yeah this is the mood I needed in early February.” It’s lush in place, happy in places, vibey in places, soulful in places.
Tell you what, light some incense today and throw this on. It’ll warm you. Promsee.
Okay, I need to wash my hair, finish a book and shoot chicken sausage tacos for you today. So I’mon scoot.
But get in this, please! Curated February vibe, coming straight your way….
And with that, I give you, The “Paper Heart and Cherub Art” mix.
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