Tag Archives | you guys

Friday Flotsam

vine and mirror / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrit’s my birthday on Sunday! But we’ll get to that. I have a question for you. You’re like, “Hold on let me get my coffee. And Xanax.” I saw something recently about how it’s no longer okay to say “hey, guys.” Like, to call a group of people, women and men collectively as guys. I […]

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Friday Flotsam

pies for days

FeeeeeeeeeeeeRILLY DEE DO DAY. I’m warning you now, today’s Flotsam is basically one Herculean poll. I mean, POOOOOOLLLLLLLL-ah! It’s what I do leave me alone. First up! Curling iron or a curing wand? I’ve always used a curling iron. A one-inch Conair from the ’80s. But it seems like KIDS THESE DAYS are more into […]

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