Tag Archives | wrap

Thai Turkey Lunch Wrap

Thai Turkey Lunch Wrap / Bev Cooks

I don’t really know why I call it Thai. The coconut? The coconut! This is a quick lunch that I’ve been making for a few months now, and it never occurred for me to put it on the blog until semi recently when my noggin woke up from a ding dong coma. DUH, you guys […]

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Chicken Shawarma


The first time I heard about this dish, I didn’t botch the name at all. Me, “I’ll have the chicken sharmwaramaramlarmawahllalrwah, please.” The waiter thought I was such a darling that he wiggled his naked toes right in my food. Have you shawarmalarama’d before? It’s basically a popular Middle Eastern wrap where you grill all […]

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Buffalo Chicken Wraps


I have the best news ever! I’m sick. I blame my husband and whatever jerk or jerkette passed it along to him at work. Friday he came home complaining of sinus pressure and hints of fatigue and I was all, SISSY. But then I ran to the bathroom, rubbed echinacea powder and Robitussin all into […]

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