Tag Archives | this is us

Friday Flotsam

apple tree

Fruder. Fluder. Fmuler. Fmulay. Frumay. Fruday. Friday. I HAVE IMPORTANT NEWS. Not really. But sort of! In a way. Actually, kind of! To some. I GOT THE NAVY BLAZER. Okay, almost. It’s arriving today! But I tried it on IN J.CREW when I had to take back the other one that made me look like […]

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Friday Flotsam

pies for days

FeeeeeeeeeeeeRILLY DEE DO DAY. I’m warning you now, today’s Flotsam is basically one Herculean poll. I mean, POOOOOOLLLLLLLL-ah! It’s what I do leave me alone. First up! Curling iron or a curing wand? I’ve always used a curling iron. A one-inch Conair from the ’80s. But it seems like KIDS THESE DAYS are more into […]

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Friday Flotsam

Weird Pumpkins

Fridayyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Why doesn’t Chipotle have queso? It just dawned on my brain hole the other day – Chipotle doesn’t have queso. How are we living in a world where Chipotle does not have queso? I think that would be a BOSS move for them. A KILLER move. (But not a boss killer move. Just…making that […]

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