Tag Archives | panzanella

Apple, Kale and Turkey Panzanella Salad

Apple, Kale and Turkey Panzanella Salad / Bev Cooks

I’m not sure who came up with BREAD salad but I’d like to shake their hand and cry into their shoulder for an entire afternoon. Because this one is out of control. We have thinly sliced honeycrisp apples, perfectly toasted seasoned baguette, chopped kale, plenty of diced parmesan cheese and chopped deli turkey because hi, […]

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Shrimp Po’ Boy Panzanella

Shrimp Po' Boy Panzanella / Bev Cooks

Also known as, salad night just got awesome. Do you salad night? I say it like it’s a verb. But it is. Salad night. It’s an action! We salad night once or twice a week, normally on Monday nights. I’ve been trying to jazz it up lately (don’t tell anyone I just said jazz it […]

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