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I love thrifting. I used to garage sale hop every weekend all through my 20’s and early 30’s. I don’t do it as often as I used to, but when I find something good, it reignites the giddiness that I felt all those years. My newest find: burnt orange vintage pillows. (they were clean I […]

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Going All Out


Did you know that each year on Valentine’s Day Robitussin releases a bottle of their most impressive formula, straight from the reserves? It’s true! It’s for people with mucus lodged in their face cavities like me, all the way to those who are bed-ridden with the full-blown flu, like my husband. This bottle is only […]

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A Snow Story


I was totally going to cook and blog last night. I really was. But then this happened: Which in turn caused this: So Aaron and I were like, WHATEVER. On our way home we dropped into one of these: And we had one of these: Actually it was more like this: And some of these: […]

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