We’re now entering the summer mixtape playlist songs-in-a-row-on-an-internet-platform era! And this one is exactly that. Every month I get embarrassingly excited about these mixtapes, and I hope you do, too. I always try to pick songs that make you feel something. And maybe it’s something long buried, like the way you feel when you hear […]
Archive | Monthly Mixtape
Monthly Mixtape: Garden Beds and Rustic Breads
Okay this is the very last time I’ll do this but – yay, KU!! I had them going the ENTIRE WAY on my bracket and I feel like I’ve won an award. Do I get something? Money? A plaque? A sticker? Never mind. Your April mixtape! It’s divine. It’s upbeat without being obnoxious. It’s relaxed […]
Friday Flotsam
FRRRRrrrrrrri ha-day-ya. Did you see Arkansas BEAT GONZAGA LAST NIGHT? Did you see that? They beat Gonzaga! FLOORED. It ruined my Final Four but I don’t even care because that’s amazing. Also I’ve been saying it like this the entire time: Gon-zah-ga. Like Julie Andrews I guess. And it’s Gon-ZAG (like zig zag)-ga. How is […]
Monthly Mixtape: Swept Patios and Shaken Rugs
March! That window is gonna be open today, babe. March is a b, though. Just when we get excited about bulbs peeking through the frigid ground, or the grass clicking (clicking?) one teeny shade greener than it was last week, or fuzzy little buds on the ends of tree limbs just begging to plump, it’ll […]
Monthly Mixtape: Hands on the Waist, Young Man
This is what we’ll look like this time tomorrow. And then some. February! Do you ever find yourself thinking, “Okay first month is done, we’re okay, let’s keep nesting” when February hits? No? Just me? Really? I’m not the type to spiral into winter depression. It’s the perfect excuse to stay home and light candles […]
Monthly Mixtape: Frosty Toes and Gloomy Glows
Despite the name of the mix and the photo below, this is actually a pretty cheerful playlist! It’s what we need. Look at that. Look at the peachy purple-y pinky sky. Marvelous, isn’t it? Sunrises like this aren’t often, so I desperately needed to show you. So, this mix! It’s seriously a good one. I […]
Monthly Mixtape: Shimmering Spruce and Clinking Flutes
Deceeeeembruh, bruh! My kids were in charge of the tinsel, don’t judge. So listen, Nat has the stomach bug (of course), so I’ll keep this short so I can make sure she barfs her saltines into a bowl and not on my white rug. But first! – TUNES. Christmas tunes, y’all. I’ll warn (tempt?) you […]
Monthly Mixtape: Amber Rain and Crisp Champagne
Happy November! Out of your candy coma just yet? This mixtape, the vibe of it has nothing really to do with the title. And to be fully transparent, I hadn’t planned on even sharing this playlist with you all. I started it sort of recently when I was craving a specific sound. THIS sound. Mostly […]
Monthly Mixtape: Amber Limbs and Moonlit Hymns
Time for tunez! I mean tunes. I mean toons. I mean tunes. Are we okay? I love October so much. To the naked eye, this photo looks like summer in a nutshell, I get it. Bare legs, chlorophyll overload, some pretty blooms tucked to the left. But it’s happening! October and all its brilliant glory […]
Monthly Mixtape: Sun Slants and Long Pants
Can we just take a moment to realize that 2021 is basically over? Sort of. In a way. We’re in the ‘Embers tomorrow and we all know it’s a slippery slope from here. Apples, pumpkins, candy, turkey, pine clippings, gift wrap, SNOW. We don’t have to talk about it though. I can sense you’re having […]