Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrr r r r r rsam! What.

I can taste my eyedrops.
TASTE THEM. I can taste my eyedrops.
Let me back up. Remember last week when I thought I scratched my eyeball and had to rush to the eye doctor immediately after publishing this post? And come to find out it wasn’t an actual scratch, but an eyelash just casually hanging out in my UPPER TEAR DUCT acting like a windshield wiper on my eyeball. Super fun. Well, I’ve been on steroid eyedrops the last week (finished yesterday) and I can TASTE the eyedrops.
Are you supposed to be able to taste eyedrops?
I get that it’s all connected with sinus cavities and tunnels, but ewwwwwaaaaah.
And I normally can taste nose drops, of course.
Nose drops – that doesn’t sound right.
Nose . . . dr- SPRAY! Nose spray. You can taste that. Obviously.
But eye drops? Hard grody.
That’s all I had to say about that. Eye’s all better.

Okay, we need to talk about Nicholas Sparks. I feel like no one talks about him anymore. He was peak when he wrote The Notebook, isn’t that right? And then there was Safe Haven, which I’m not embarrassed to admit that I loveeeed. And what’s the one about the decrepit house on the beach and the guy comes to visit and I think he fixes something in her house and they fall in love next to the fire place? Which one was that? I LOVED that one. You cannot beat a mass market Sparks paperback. There’s just something about it.
Tell me your favorite. Wasn’t Diane Keaton in one of his movies? Or Diane Lane? Didn’t she wear a white blouse down by the beach? Who was that? We need more of that.
Actually, I declare a quarterly Sparks read! (I’ll work on the title) Every three months we read an old Nicholas Sparks book. We’ll start in October! Or you can start now if you want. I just have a massive summer stack in front of me to tackle but I’m desperate for this movement! What’s first? Cast your vote in the comments!
Wait, did you x out?

How about, the kids gave me their Christmas lists this week.
I had to remind them of the calendar month and the humidity levels and the school supply era we’re currently in. It mattered not. I have Christmas lists and they are set in stone.
What I love though is the amount of cozy in their lists. Mattress toppers, weighted blankets, posters for rooms, earrings. (and yes, stuffies are still prime at this age.)
That’s all I had to say about that.

Weekend plans?
We’re pooling it today, pizza for dinner, having a bestie over for a sleepover, park lemonade stand for Will tomorrow (do I need a permit for this?? We’re doing it. I’ll post in IG if you live nearby!) and chiiiiiilling chilling chilling. Reading and nesting. Researching what Sparks book to read! I need friends.
From this week::: Puff Pastry Peach Cups! A beyond-simple way to use that mother load of peaches you have. I also have a video on that. And then book club yesterday! Three faves, along with yours. Love it so much. Here’s the reel for that as well.
Tell me, can you TASTE your eyedrops? Am I an alien?
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