Fra la la la laaa la la la LA.

The other day I was wrapping gifts and I needed something to watch while I wrapped. To have on, ya know. And truly, other than Christmas movies this time of year, I barely glance at a TV show. BUT! I’ve been reading and hearing and hearing and reading all about WhiteLotusWhiteLotusWhiteLotusWhiteLotus EVERYWHERE. So why not, I turned it on.
Two episodes in. I like it! I think? Actually what I like is the mix of Coolidge (legend), Britton (hello, Friday Night Lights!) and Zahn (hello, Reality Bites!). Those teenagers suck, but I know that’s the point. I also like the coloring of the show. That sunny, warm golden haze. It’s pretty! I’ll keep going when I have the time. Should I keep going? Have you watched? Should I put the soundtrack on right this moment?
This is what really did it for me – RACHEL. But like, RACHEL FROM PARENTHOOD. Did you recognize her?! I was trying to figure how why I got instantly mad when Rachel (same name in White Lotus) appeared on screen for the first time. I was like, “I know that girl. She did something bad. She . . . she. . . she kissed ADAM BRAVERMAN! IN THE RAIN!”
You don’t mess with the Bravermans. Poor Kristina.
Which of course made me want to immediately abandon White Lotus and watch Parenthood. And Friday Night Lights. And Reality Bites. And Best in Show.
I’ll keep going! I think? Do I need to?

I’m dead serious when I ask this, so get ready. And no, this is not some Better Homes and Families and Gardens and Garages junk.
I truly, truly want to know your holiday traditions. But more specifically, what you grew up as a tot doing, that carried over into adulthood. And is present either in your single life or family life. Because I feel like the word “tradition” is so loaded, but it doesn’t have to be. It can be super simple. And I want to know! Everyone does something sliiiightly different, and I always find it so fascinating to know what has to happen or else everyone will combust.
For Aaron it’s oranges in the stockings. His dad always put them in, so he does. And I think that’s cute. We’ll always have oranges in the stockings. And petit fours – his granddad bought them every Christmas back in the day, so each year we rotate with his family and send boxes of petit fours back and forth.
For me it’s Peggy Lee. My parents had her Christmas Carousel album on vinyl, and every year I would spend houuuuursssss looking at the bright red and pink cover with her face and the carousel on it. I’d stare at her hair, her eyes, her sparkling earrings. I remember being in complete awe of how beautiful she (and that album cover) was. So we listen every year with the kids. It oozes nostalgia for me. And you know how driven I am by nostalgia. HOWEVER, it’s on Spotify, so they’re missing out on the album gazing. So tragic.
Also Amahl and The Night Visitors. I grew up listening to that opera on vinyl every single Christmas as well (Um, I really need a record player that works), and it’s something I listen to and cry to every single year. It’s mandatory for my life. I can still picture my young mom in Hot Springs standing her blue bathrobe singing along in the kitchen, bowing down when the kings enter the scene. Memory hoarder, it’s me. Hi. I’m the problem, it’s me. (different thing, never mind.)
For me today, the little things are dried citrus in the windows, gathered pine from the park for our mantel, and making chocolate babka the day they get out for Christmas break.
Tell me your traditions! Big or small, I desperately need to know.

Okay, are we really into eggnog?
I ask because my friend Anna was drinking some the other night while cooking dinner and I saw via the Instagramz and immediately texted her all, “Wait, you’re drinking eggnog?” She’s like, “Well yeah! It’s sweet and delicious. Add brandy. That’s the traditional add-in.”
EGGNOG. All I can picture is Cousin Eddie with his dickie showing through his white sweater (his real-life wife’s idea, btw) drinking eggnog out of a clear reindeer glass and Clark Griswold spitting his out when Cousin Eddie announces he’s staying for a month. Arguably one of the best moments of that film.
EGGNOG. Should I give it a go? It’s been years. I’ve probably had it once. Lit-rally once.
Eggnog! Haha!

Poinsettias are something else I’m on the fence about. I know they’re classic. I know.
But they have this in-your-face abrasive look about them that I’ve never quite settled into. Besides churches and the set of SNL, there’s really no good place for a poinsettia.
Try and convince me otherwise. I dare you. “I triple dog dare you!”

Weekend plans?
So it aaaaaaall begins! It’s a very festive weekend and I’m aching to get started. An estate sale this morning for me, then Chat ‘n Chew at school today (don’t ask me if Nat melted something on the very first book, destroying it. don’t ask.), some reading this afternoon and the Favorite Things party tonight! I can’t tell you what I’m giving because I think some of the moms read this blog. If they know I have a blog. I’m not sure actually.
A basement to finish cleaning tomorrow (yes, still), and another festive dinner with some besties on Sunday night. BETTER GET MY SANTA HAT OUT. jk. (maybe)
From this week! Creamy Rosemary Chicken with Linguine. Divinely simple. And another Creamy soup with Potatoes and Sun-dried Tomatoes and Spinach! Get in both. Stat.
I may or may not be back next week. Maybe next Friday. Let’s plan on that. In meantime, your holiday traditions, I need them. And White Lotus? Should I keep at it?
xx. (<–i never do that. was it odd?)
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