I FINISHED GILMORE GIRLS. Waaaaaaaah. (also, maj spoilers!)
Well, I finished the series, not the revival. So, technically I still have six more hours of Lorelai and Rory and Paris and Luke and Jess and Dean and Logan (gross) and Miss Patty and Babette and Kirk and errrbody else.
Wait! I heard Sookie’s not in it? Why not? We never got to see her third baby! And hear how many names she chose. AND we never got to really see Lane and Zack’s twin boys. Like, their faces. That ain’t right.
Okay so – I absolutely loved the ending. The final episode. The whole thing. The party. The final dinner at Emily and Richard’s, Rory’s career choice, her hair, the FINAL SCENE. I cried like a raging idiot.
But! I am super curious to know how it was intended to end. So I have a question – and you’re probably going to want to punch me because it’s obvious, but I’m just making sure. Does the revival take place now? In current times? I’m scared to even research it because I’m afraid I might read or see something I shouldn’t.
Wait! Never mind, it does. Because Lane’s boys are teenagers. Are they in it?? It takes place 10 years later, not back when Rory graduated college, right? No. Surely not. That wouldn’t make sense. “You’re right. You’re right. I know you’re right.” (<–name that movie.)
Ugh, I’m going to space out the revival, because I cannot BEAR for this era of my life to end. I’ll make cookies from the GG cookbook on Sunday and watch the first one Sunday night, and most likely bawl like a complete loon and Instagram “live” about it right after. Because that’s what I do. I want to be sorry.
Oh! Before I talk about IG live, I’ve got the movie list from my mixtape! Here goes – see how close you were:
- Dirty DANCING, you guys – duh
- Forest Gump
- That Thing You Do (!)
- Broken Flowers
- O Brother, Where Art Thou
- Rushmore
- Pulp Fiction
- When Harry Met Sally
- Empire Records (remember baby Liv!?)
- Good Will Hunting
- Garden State
- The Graduate
- The Virgin Suicides
- Reality Bites
- High Fidelity
- My Girl
- Trainspotting
- Donnie Darko
- Romeo and Juliet (Leo and Claire in the ’90s!)
- Lost in Translation
Soooo, how’d ya do? And also – what do you think should have gone on the mixtape? Are you cursing my name for leaving off your fave? It’s not my fault, I need to wash my hair.
So, IG live is weird. I’ve done it three times now, and I can’t decide what I think. (shocker, I know.) On one hand, it’s fun to just chat (even though I can’t hear your voices so I sound like a psycho answering questions to ghosts). And it’s cool because once it’s over, it’s OVER. You can’t rewatch; you can’t go back and read comments; you can’t do anything. You’re helpless. All alone in this world, WITH ZERO HELP FROM ANYONE.
Wait, that’s . . . for something else.
But! It’s also strange because it IS all live. It’s fast because comments just roll in all bam bam bam, and I have to put the phone way up to my face to read them, and I end up reading them out loud all choppy and squinty and you’re like WHY ARE WE TALKING ABOUT THIS RIGHT NOW.
I may just stick to Stories.
Do you like Live? Or Stories? Which one is your favorite? I need to wash my hair.
Once I’m completely done with GG, we’re going to shift our chats to This Is Us! When does it come back on? Next week? Today? Right now? I need a Jack fix.
Also, Aaron bought sweatpants yesterday.
Like Jerry Seinfeld style. They taper at the ankles. But don’t worry, you guys, they’re his “real nice” sweatpants.
Help me.
So, we’re starting a new tradition in this new year! Do you want to hear about it?
Don’t answer that.
First, a little background: For Christmas Aaron bought me this book by Kate Spade on style. Now, honestly – I’ve never been a huge Kate Spade lover. I don’t even really know what she does. Something with fashion? Bags? I have no idea. I do know she’s from KC, though!
Anyway, the book is so inspiring. It covers style in ALL life departments. Way beyond clothing. It’s about style at every corner; in books, movies, luggage, art, everything. Well, she has a whole section on style in the movies. All kinds of movies, but mostly old classic movies. Which is my favorite. SO! We’re going to make our way through her stylish vintage list.
But you know me, it’s not just about watching an old rickety movie. It’s about the night, as a whole. The experience of it all! We’re (I’m) going to call it Fabulous Friday Night Flashback Film Fun! Or, FFFFF, for short.
We kick off this new date night tradition tonight, wiiiiiith Two for the Road! 1967 – Audrey Hepburn and Albert Finney (Hello, Daddy Warbucks.) (Whoa, this is the second time I’ve mentioned Daddy Warbucks this week. Must mean something. I’ll let you know when I figure out what it is. You’re like, or not?)
I’m pairing a Layer Cake Malbec with the movie, just becauuuuse.
I’ll let you know each week how last week’s movie was, plus what our next movie will be! Doesn’t this sound so fun?
Never mind.
Weekend plans?
William and Natalie turn THREE today! I seriously don’t even understand how. And now I’m severely depressed. We’ve got two day’s worth of fun plans ahead for our threenagers. Starting with pie this morning at our favorite local pie place. Then after naps we’ll head back to Power Play for games, snacks and hi, the Tilt-a-Whirl. Then pizza from their fave pizza joint. We’re calling it Pie, Presents, Power Play and Pizza! Or, PPPPP, for short. Then I really, really need to wash my hair.
Tomorrow we’ve got friends coming over for dinner, cake and presents. And that huge dang white balloon. It’s tradition, you guys. You don’t mess with it.
p.s. Aaron’s wearing his sweatpants and talking about the opera campaign he’s working on at the same time. I can’t.
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