FRRRRRRRRR(trilling the tongue)IDAY.
Wasn’t I amazing on Dr. Oz yesterday?
ohhhhhhhhhhwaaaaaaaait. I wasn’t on it. DOH!
So yeah, what a let down. BUT, the producer wrote and apologetically explained about an air date switcheroo, and would keep me informed. I have this feeling he’s going to come back all, “rrrrrrrright, about your segment. it was on Monday. okay bye.”
None the less, I’ll keep you informed if/when it actually happens. You guys are amazing supporters, no matter what unfolds, and I can’t thank you enough for your encouragement! So for now, we’ll just pretend I was on.
Wasn’t I amazing on Dr. Oz yesterday?
Have you read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up? I was at a blog dinner last night and we all got to talking about it. I haven’t actually read the book, so I have no idea what I’m talking about, but I DO know the gist of it. Last fall I even arranged my closet the way the author suggests! All my jeans rolled up like little delicious denim jelly rolls in a bakery, and stacked on top of each other, like sardines. Sardine jelly rolls. The author would most likely punch me in the face for saying that, I’m sure.
Anyway, I resonate with (what I know of) the book so much, it makes me wanna PURGE, man. And eat some jelly rolls.
And in that same vein, have you seen this chart on how to keep up with cleaning your home? I saw it on Design Sponge a while back and it’s seriously now my go-to chart. It totally lays out what you should do daily, weekly, monthly, and seasonally. Do you do something similar? The cleaner/organizer in me gets super nerdy giddy about my tasks. Eeee! And then the mom of toddler death hurricanes has me on the verge of a mental breakdown, “HOW? OH DEAR LORD HOW WILL I EVER SUCCEEEEED AT THIS CHART AND LIFE?”
Guess I’ll have another jelly roll.
So this is pretty cool, my husband is thinking about opening an online store of all the weird things he creates. Like, coasters made out driftwood, tree stump end stands, a wooden coat rack with white iron animal heads, etc etc. Things like that. He’ll call it Flotsam, and I’d have a tab on my site dedicated to what’s in our store.
Dude is seriously creative and has a knack for natural, rustic one-of-a-kind pieces. We’re brainstorming this weekend on the branding, business model of it all, so I’ll keep you posted!
How cool would it be to have a freaking STORE inside my site? Bev Cooks products! This could lead to my own kitchen line, baby clothing line, gardening riff raff, world domination HO HO HO HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
What’s the quickest way to get rid of jowls? A . . . a friend wants to know.
Weekend plans? We were all gung-ho about getting our gardens in place, but it’s supposed to be torrential downpours all weekend long. Yaaaay.
I’m also going to the baby shower of my old boss on Sunday! I can’t wait to see her. She was my closest bud before quitting my full-time and staying home to figure out all this blogging nonsense. There better be booze at the shower, is all I’m saying.
Get yo weekend.
***UPDATE! The Oz episode is now scheduled for May 4th! Thank you and goodnight.***
13 Responses to Friday Flotsam