Let’s take a moment to appreciate that the high in Kansas City today is SEVENTY NINE. If we’re not violently flinging doors and windows open this very instant we are done here.

Also, time for a mixtape! An August mixtape. It’s my birthday month so clearly you’re obligated to listen.
This one is gooooood. It’s a gentle mix. Nothing aggressive. Just indie vibes with delicate vocals. Maybe a fuzzy guitar here or there. A lil’ acoustic splash. It’s all a bit trance-inducing. But not clubby. It’s pure delicious indie sap. That’s what we’re doing this month. The kids go back to school and your house will be tidy once again. Hallelujah.
Without another yammer, I give you . . . the “Whirring Limbs and Fizzing Brims” mix.
Of course you can listen to the bagillion mixtapes once you’re in Spotify, or click over on Monthly Mixtape to the left to find something specific. Get your ears in it!
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