
Okay, let me start by saying, I’m not going to leave. I don’t want to leave. I can’t leave you, are you kidding me! Naw, girl.
Everything has changed. (as they do.) Persnickety algorithms, uninterested clients, lost work, shifted interests – it all changes. And to be honest, sometimes my joy suffers from it. I really try and keep my head away from the stats mentality of it all. The likes, the shares, the pins, because who cares.
All to say, I need a micro mental reinvention, if you will. A way to remember the fun in it. To find the joy in it. I’m telling you what, I know it’s hard to get excited about a sliced cucumber (well, it’s not hard for me, but I’m weird), but our DIALOGUE is what keeps me going. Hearing from you. This whole community that started well over a decade ago. Sharing each others’ lives is what it’s all about for me. (that and mascara brands.)
And I know I womp womp about this every few years, but sometimes it has to get out, man!
You are important to me, so I’ll keep going. I want to keep going. I’m sure the kids will need braces at some point so I gotta keep going, my word.
This is all to say, do you ever pick a booger and it bleeds?

Look I’m serious!
And it might not be a booger booger, but it’s a specific strip of skin right inside my nostril cavern that dries out and turns into wallpaper and when I pick at it (don’t x out) it makes my left eye water and it feels like the whole side of my face is ripping off and it bleeds.
This doesn’t ever happen to you?
And the thing is, the strip of wallpaper skin is probably the size of a pinprick, but it feels like a timeshare down in Destin.

Okay, what’s your favorite SNL skit? Or skits? Or skit series? I realize I’m asking the impossible.
I ask because Nat and her friends have just gotten into – HOLD ON.
DID YOU REALize (I’ll bring it down a notch) that Kristen Wiig’s character is actually named Dooneese? “AND I’M DOONEESE.”
Dooneese! Not Judith! Or Junice! I’ve been living a life of lies.
So anyway, Nat and her friends have just gotten into the Maharelle Sisters and it is side-splittingly hilarious to watch. Nat plays Dooneese (DOONEESE?!) and pitches her voice up with a slight scratch and scrunches her fingers together in little points and sings about “chasing cats and is that bad” and nothing is better. Yes, our friends have tiny hands. Yes, they’re going to be in the Variety Show next year as this act. No, I’ll never recover.
That recurring skit, hands down, is a favorite. But what else! What era of SNL is your jam? (sorry I said it like that.)
I mean besides Kate McKinnon’s face is Ryan Gosling’s butt.

Here’s something else.
I was sitting outside with my friend Mindy the other day while our kids ran down a storm drain, found worms to give CPR to and then dry out in the sun and have tiny funerals for (story for another day), but she said something to me that I can’t let go of.
We were talking about cooking I think, and I said something like, “I’d say tomatoes are my favorite food of all time. Can’t get better than a good tomato. And the tomato LEAF is my favorite scent. Of all scents.”
And SHE said with a scrunched up face, “That would NOT be a favorite smell of mine. No.”
And I blacked out after she said that and haven’t come to since because what? How can one not thoroughly enjoy the fragrance of a tomato leaf? I can’t understand this. Is she okay?
Do YOU like the scent of a tomato plant? The vine?? The leaf??? The whole experience????
You guys, Mindy might be an alien. Don’t tell her I said that.

Weekend plans?
I’m walking with a friend this morning, estale saling with said alien above right after, then reading aaaaaall day outside. That’s my plan and nothing can shake it. A VERY early soccer game tomorrow, farmer’s market, a triple-birthday party tomorrow night – back deck style, and then the KC Current game on Mother’s Day! I’m worried about parking. Of course.
From this week: Greek Meatballs with Elbow Mac! This is super super flavorful, so you best. Here’s that video, too.
Okay be honest, did you know it was DOONEESE?
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