Friday Flotsam


Let’s talk about Ilia. That doesn’t look right.

Hold on.

Yeah, that’s it! Except all capitals. ILIA. The makeup.

I know we’ve talked about this before but every time my Nars gets low I panic and wonder what other magical cream is out there that I’m in the complete dark on.

And by complete dark I mean I’m getting served massive ILIA ads on IG and it’s this close to working.

Specifically, their Skin Tint. Have any of you tried this? Does it count as a light foundation? What I’ve been doing for the last however many months is a little squirt of Nars tinted moisturizer + my favorite Glotion that I obsess over. If you’ve never tried that glotion, this is your moment. It’s GREAT. For me, it helps to swirl in a little of the Nars for light coverage, but it just works. But would the Skin Tint be better? Or give me the same results? Or is there a more magical combination that I’m not thinking of?

Or do I just need a taco?

I have a weird question for you. If your weirdness matches my weirdness then this will be a cinch.

Do you remember the first time you heard of a celebrity dying, and that sort of made death real? Like when you were a kid, and there was breaking news on the TV announcing a famous person’s death, and it stilled you to silence because celebrities aren’t supposed to die! Who was that person for you?

For me it was Sammy Davis Jr. Isn’t that completely random? 1990. I wasn’t even THAT YOUNG either, but I remember hearing it on the news and feeling like there was some mistake. This had to be wrong. I just kept sitting there like, “How? How could he have died? This makes no sense.”

(I swear a lighter topic is coming!)

Who was that celebrity for you? What made mortality REAL for you?

You’re like, “Uh let’s go back to makeup, BEV.”

You guys!!


Guess what’s on Spotify. You will DIE.

Do you remember the Pure Moods cds that were advertised on TV and you’d call in and pay the shipping and handling and the cds were mail to you?! (Just to be clear, we never did, but I always wanted them because hello, ENIGMA. I was such a rebel!) Those!!! They are on Spotify and you will fall over laughing.

Here’s the commercial, just to get you in the PURE MOOD. It’s won the hearts of millions, you guys. Start there. Start with the commercial and then move onto Spotify greatness.

Just so you know, there’s an original release from 1994, and then there’s one from 1997 and both are worth your entire life. I know way too much about this and clearly need friends.

How can we track down that one romantic collection with like, Celine and Kenny G on it? I can’t remember what it’s called. Hold on I’m googling this.

Hold on.

OMG!!!!! ULTIMATE LOVE SONGS COLLECTION. It’s a once in a lifetime collection, you guys. Watch that commercial and live your truth.


I am dead. This is my spring break. I’m going to blast this every single day next week and watch Aaron slowly disintegrate.

The other day Will looked me dead in the eye and said, “What would happen if the entire school tooted at the same time?”

I’ve never been so proud.

Weekend plans?

We’re officially on spring break which feels odd because didn’t they just go back to school after Christmas break? I don’t understand time.

We have a bunch of little things. Variety show work (three weeks away omg), basketball watching, garden beds prep, taxes, teeth, a little day trip up north to fossil hunt (them, not me), a lingering lunch with a bestie (me, not them), brunch with other besties, lots of runs, lots of reading, and just general putzing around. I need a good thrifting day. I need to put pen to paper and map out the flower beds, the herb garden, the fence ivy plans. I need to wash patio pillows and slingback chair fabrics. Clearly all to the soundtrack of ULTIMATE LOVE SONGS.

From this week! Your March mixtape. Have you listened? It’s a good’n! And then a Lemon Poppy Seed Cake to DIE for. It’s delish. You must get in it.

Okay tell me, what would happen if the entire school tooted at the same time?

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17 Responses to Friday Flotsam

  1. Judy March 8, 2024 at 8:43 am #
    I’ve been using ILIA for four years now, I don’t love but I don’t hate, some things from their line I like and some not as much as I was hoping. I like their night lip balm and their blush stick, but I will say I sent in a pic and they were able to match my skin tone (Asian) to the color recommended for a perfect match. I was pretty impressed with their online help. Their brushes are nice, wasn’t a fan of their setting powder.
  2. Rebekah S March 8, 2024 at 9:31 am #
    I use their mascara and it’s good. I don’t know about the other products. Will= hysterical! Dianna dying was my pivotal death moment. I can recall that moment vividly.
  3. Kim March 8, 2024 at 9:41 am #
    I love ILIA mascara and blush stick but was not impressed by the skin tint. I made pores and lines more visible, IMO. Anyway, enjoy your weekend!
  4. Paige March 8, 2024 at 9:54 am #
    You have made my year with Pure Moods...aaaaaaahhhhhhh
  5. Courtney March 8, 2024 at 10:58 am #
    For celebrity death it was definitely Kurt Cobain for me. I was 14, in my peak grunge era, and MTV wasn't terrible yet. I remember them showing nothing else for days on end. And Courtney Love sitting in a park wearing a satin nightgown and robe.
    • Bev Weidner March 8, 2024 at 11:42 am #
      Ohhhh I remember exactly where I was when I found out that news. High school senior, in the hallway by my locker. I'll never forget!
    • shannon March 8, 2024 at 11:50 am #
    • Tobi March 8, 2024 at 1:49 pm #
      Kurt Cobain for me too! I was (am) the same age as him and I loved them and Courtney, it really shook me. I remember I was at work and heard it on the radio.
  6. Jessica Birt March 8, 2024 at 12:30 pm #
    So many celebrities have passed away in my lifetime, but nothing has hit me more than waking up one morning to the news that Chris Cornell had taken his own life. That was a devastating one for me. I saw him perform in Asheville, NC, and he was incredible. Such pure talent. I grew up listening to Soundgarden and I was just so grateful that I got to see him perform live before he passed away.
  7. wallawallamama March 8, 2024 at 4:02 pm #
    Celebrity death: ELVIS - my aunt was obsessed and I happened to be staying with her for a few days during summer vacation when it happened. She was bereft, and I was gobsmacked.
  8. Tracy March 8, 2024 at 5:21 pm #
    Princess Diana - I was in college, so young adult, but it was shocking to me. Aug 31,1997
  9. Kristen March 9, 2024 at 10:27 am #
    I never loved the ILIA skin tint as much as it seemed the internet did. Felt weird on my skin and then developed a weird smell. I’ve been loving the Kosas BB cream gel + glowtion. Perfect no makeup makeup look.
  10. Peekiesmom March 9, 2024 at 7:45 pm #
    ILIA is cruelty free, and NARS is not if that makes a difference to you.
  11. Cassie March 10, 2024 at 7:39 am #
    As far a deaths go, the very first one that absolutely devastated me at 5 and destroyed me to this day is Jim Henson.
  12. Lola March 10, 2024 at 10:14 am #
    For me it was John Candy. He was an icon in the comedy world. I still can't believe he's gone. The world needs more John Candys!
  13. Jess March 11, 2024 at 12:48 pm #
    Princess Di and Aaliyah were the most memorable of my childhood. Then when Heath Ledger died I was a high school senior and that really hit hard! It didn't seem possible.

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